Sunday, January 27, 2019

How I Keep up with Cleaning

I like to have our house clean and so does Ben. Luckily, I also tend to be an organized person and to enjoy most cleaning tasks. Still, with kids I have had to find ways to keep our house clean without too much hassle or I'd go crazy. Here are some of the things I do.

This is what our house looks like on a typical day:

Our kitchen, after I clean up breakfast. 

Our living room while the kids play. 

Our main bathroom. 

Master bedroom after making the bed. 

Master closet

Master bathroom

Kitchen in the afternoon. 

Kids' bedroom

First, I try to keep our stuff down to a minimum. I employ the one thing in, one thing out rule. When Ben or I buy a shirt (for example), we get rid of an old one. When the kids get toys for Christmas, we find some to donate somewhere. There are exceptions (one is books; another is currently decorations, because we don't have all the pictures, etc. that we want on the wall so as we acquire those, we'll just add them to our home).

To go along with that rule, I have a box that I keep in the garage for donation items. When it's full, I just drop it off at DI. I also routinely (three or four times a year) go through our house and just make sure we only own the things that we want to own and donate the rest (we've gotten to the point where I don't have a lot to donate when I do this).

Another way we keep the toys at a manageable level is only getting out one or two toys at a time. We keep the rest in the pantry, away from the children's ability to get them out. We get out some toys, let the kids play with them, and then when they get tired of them, the kids put them away and we get out new ones. The one exception we have to this is we always have books out.

For bigger jobs, I have certain days designated for each task. Mondays, I empty all the trashes (and take our trash to the curb). Wednesdays, I get all the laundry through the washer and dryer. Thursdays, I fold and put it away. Fridays, I clean the bathrooms, sweep and mop, and vacuum. Saturdays, I do anything that I didn't get to during the week.

For smaller jobs, I have habits and I do cleaning sweeps. I make the bed each morning and when I do, I just quickly tidy up anything in our room that needs it. I have clothes/trash on my list each morning, which is where I make sure all the dirty clothes and diapers are cleaned up from the living room each morning. When I brush my teeth in the morning, I will wipe down the bathroom mirrors if they need it. When I get dressed, I put away any stray clothes in our closet. I always make sure to clear out the dishwasher in the morning (Ben loads and starts it at night) so we can load it during the day. I try to do any hand wash then as well as washing off the counters and sweeping. After lunch, Ben or I often load up any stray dishes and at dinner, the girls help me clean off the table and sweep under it so we can eat in a clean space. The girls and I will do a five minute clean up (where we set the timer for five minutes and clean until it goes off) to pick up toys in the living room while we're waiting for dinner. If the house ever gets out of hand, we will randomly do one as a family as well.

Doing this, we're able to keep our house at a (manageable) clean level. Our bathrooms and bedrooms are pretty much always clean and tidy. Our kitchen rarely gets to an out of hand level. And our living room, though it pretty much always has toys out on the floor, only takes a couple minutes to tidy up.

There are, of course, times when this habits falter. It's harder to keep up when we're sick or super busy with something. I've had stretches of struggling with what I now realize was a form of depression and our house wasn't as clean then. These times are the exception, though, rather than the rule, and even at these times, our house is never more than an hour or two away from being back to the level of cleanness that our family wants.

And while it's rarely perfectly clean, we get to enjoy the benefits of a peaceful environment as a family and our children have room to explore, find things they actually want to play with, and run around crazy (which they often do!).

What are some cleaning habits that you love? I'd love to hear them! Let me know in the comments below!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

My BOM Challenge

With the end of 2018, I wanted to record my experience with the Book of Mormon challenge President Nelson issued in October. 

A little bit of background on my life at the time. Rylee was just short of being two months old. While she has always been a great sleeper, she wasn't yet consistently sleeping through the night. She also hated naps and it was a struggle to get her to sleep when she needed it during the day at this age. Also, babies are just a lot of work. I was working on my BookTube channel, I'd started a writing group and was beginning to work on my novel, and (add all that to normal life with three kids) I felt overwhelmed with life. I knew I was trying to do too much, but there was nothing in my life that I wanted to let go of. 

For women's conference, we had the kids and men go to my house and all the women in the family met at my mother-in-law's. I had Rylee, for nursing purposes, and was trying to get her to be happy rocking in the rocking chair during President Nelson's talk. 

 When he issued the challenge, I remember looking at my in-law's on the couch and saying without thinking, "Oh no." I knew immediately that I should take the challenge but I didn't see how I could possibly fit in one more thing. 

Before the challenge, I was reading in the Book of Mormon everyday. I had been all year, but some days all I got in were a couple of verses, sometimes a whole chapter. I was near the end of Alma. As I went back to listen to the talk and decided to take the challenge, I felt the Spirit confirm what he said, that as I made reading a priority in my life, I would see miracles and find the time in my life for the things I needed to be doing. 

I started reading and I am so glad I did. I tried for three chapters a day. Some days, I just couldn't get to three or other days, the chapters were longer. I tried to wake up and read before the kids were awake, but some days I didn't get to it until I had gotten breakfast for the two older ones and was nursing Rylee. I was able to consistently get it in, though, and finished on December 27. 

It was a beautiful experience for me. I have never read the entire Book of Mormon this quickly and as I did, I felt the Spirit enter my life in a way I've never felt before. I know it gave me strength during some of my unexpected trials this past while and has helped me figure out what to focus on in my life and what to let go of. I have truly seen miracles. 

I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that as we read it, our lives are filled with a strength and peace that cannot be found anywhere else. I know that Russel M. Nelson is a prophet and that as we follow him in faith, we will be brought closer to our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for the gospel in my life, it brings me more joy than I even knew was possible. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

My Year in Review - 2018


January was a hard month for us. I was feeling miserable (morning sickness), so we just survived, somehow. January is my least favorite month anyways, but to be feeling so miserable while trying to get settled in our new house and trying to take care of Parker and Ashtyn made it worse. Luckily, by the end of January, my morning sickness was beginning to pass.


Feeling better, I had a surge of motivation and began working on my YouTube channel more (I had started a BookTube channel in October, where I talked about books). My channel was a really fun, big part of the year for me and this was the month where I felt like I started to figure it out. I gained about 150 subscribers and uploaded just under 100 videos. It was great for me to learn to plan, film, edit, and upload the videos and I made a lot of friends on BookTube.


The weather started warming up and we really enjoyed spring. We walked to the park a bunch (walking is good for pregnancy), with the weather being warm enough to enjoy it but not hot enough to wear me out. It was like the sun came out, in my life, with the warmer weather. I also loved living so close to the park!


In April, Ben and I celebrated our five year anniversary. We had Hannah and Caleb stay with Ashtyn and Parker while we went to Provo for the weekend. We had so much fun, eating out, going to a dance performance, and just hanging out together. Five (and a half, now) years later, marrying Ben was the best decision I've ever made.


May was another harder month for me. I was getting really burnt out from the pregnancy program I was on, but still had a long ways to go before being done with it. The highlight of the month for me was Mother's Day. My new computer just happened to come that day, which was really fun, and I got $20 as a gift, which I used on a newly discovered website I love that website because I can buy five books instead of one when I get gifted money!


I was so excited for June because that meant I got to start preparing for the baby! I prerecorded, edited, and uploaded privately all my August videos for BookTube, did a major deep cleaning of our house, and started on freezer meals (my favorite part of being pregnant!).

We also got to celebrate Parker turning two! I still can't believe how big she is! We always do a special mom-dad date with them during the day before their party and we took her to the pet store to see all the animals. Then we went to get candy and popcorn chicken for lunch. She had a blast, but asked where Ashtyn was, which melted my heart. For her party, she was all into bears and bear hunts at the time, so we made her bear shaped cookies and put together a "bear cave". She loved it!


We made our last trip to West Jordan before Rylee was born for the fourth of July. It was a fun, but very long, trip. It was more tiring than I expected to be away from home while so pregnant. We also finished up preparations for Rylee this month, adding more to my freezer meals and keeping the house clean. I got worn out pretty fast in the heat, so we stayed inside more than we would normally would, but we still took a lot of lake trips (it's about ten minutes from our house) and sent the kids outside with cousins almost everyday.


We had Rylee! Her due date was the 6th, but I was honestly hoping she'd come earlier (what pregnant woman doesn't??). Ashtyn came two days late, Parker two days early, and with them, I felt I was trying to prepare up to the last minute so I was never anxiously waiting for them. With Rylee, I felt like I was waiting for forever--until the 11th, then we had her. It was a beautiful labor and delivery and we were in love with her from the moment she was born.

The first two days after she was born, Ashtyn and Parker stayed at their grandparents, giving Ben and I the chance to bond with Rylee. It was so nice to snuggle her and enjoy the treats I'd prepared beforehand, despite the afterpains and recovery. By the end of the second day, I was feeling really good and starting to feel like myself again.

A few weeks after she was born, we all got colds (including Rylee) and were stuck at home without many visitors. That was a really hard period of time for me, especially since postpartum emotions hit hard then. We got through it and Rylee started sleeping really well at night (sleeping 12 hours three or four nights a week, and only waking once or twice the other nights at three weeks). I was feeling spoiled and it really helped me enjoy the newborn phase more.


September was a blur of trying to get Rylee to nap, finishing our fence, and playing with cousins outside (or getting into mischief with cousins). I've found the more kids I have, the faster time goes (probably because life just keeps getting busier).


October was really busy for us. We blessed Rylee in West Jordan and it was a beautiful day full of family and friends. When we got home, it was a whirlwind to get ready for Ashtyn's birthday. Ashtyn had started watching the Tinkerbell movies and it was all about fairies in her world, so we did a fairy theme for her party. It turned out so cute and she loved it. We also made an ice cream cake (I think she liked the drawn out process and the anticipation that came with it more than actually eating her cake) with sprinkles and cute little Tinkerbell cake toppers. She was totally spoiled and loved every minute of it.

We ended on a high note with Halloween. Ashtyn was Tinkerbell, Parker was a ladybug, and Rylee was a bumblebee. They were totally adorable, loved trick or treating (all day, starting with the library, going to two grandma's houses, and doing a ward trunk or treat with cousins), and got tummy aches from all the candy they ate.


We spent Thanksgiving in West Jordan this year and loved seeing everyone. Ashtyn and Parker and I got to go Black Friday shopping with my mom (Rylee stayed home with Ben so she could sleep), one of my favorite holiday traditions. It felt monumental, because it was the first year I felt like I needed to hide the presents I was buying from Ashtyn.


We ended the year busy but happy. We did so much for Christmas (having a baby to take care of probably made it feel busier), I'm thinking we might have to simplify next year. Between making cookies, going to parties, and fitting in all our regular traditions, we had something everyday. I felt like I wasn't as on the ball (probably, again, due to taking care of two kids and a baby), I even wrapped some presents on Christmas Eve.

We had some family stress come up, finding out about some troubles Ben's brother was going through and trying to find ways to help him and his mom. We'll have to see how all of that goes this year.

Overall, we had a wonderful time during the holidays and are excited to see what 2019 brings us!