When you have babies and small children, your phase of life changes so quickly and you are constantly adapting the way life looks to work.
We have had a few changes recently. Ashtyn is learning to read! She is loving it and I've been trying to be more consistent (while still keeping things simple) with homeschool. Rylee has turned one and has also moved to one nap a day, which changes our schedule quite a bit! Ben has been working on a course and recording for that each day, so the kids and I have been skedaddling to give him quiet periods to work. And I've been working on the second draft of a novel, trying hard to make writing a habit in my life.
Here is what a typical weekday looks like at our house.
I wake up around 6:30. I check my phone notifications, then kneel by the bed and plan my day and pray. I have loved planning my day at the same time as I say my morning prayers--I have truly felt the Spirit guiding me to certain actions and remembering others more. Then I eat half a balance bar and work on my novel first thing. I try to write in my journal before getting the girls as well, but if I run out of time, I'll finish during breakfast. If I need to shower, I try to do that here too, but I often end up showering with Rylee while the girls play.
Around 7:30, the girls wake up and I get them. I nurse Rylee (the girls usually get themselves a banana while I do this and I read scriptures on the Gospel Doctrine App), then turn on Signing Time for her while I make breakfast. Before I actual start making breakfast for myself (but usually after I've gotten something for the girls), I try to do some exercises (I'll often do things like push ups or jumping lunges); I try to four rounds of HIIT. While I'm cooking my eggs, I'll get a carb ready and clear out the dishwasher.
Then I eat breakfast. I usually try to relax while I eat, reading or writing in my journal.
We've started the girls getting themselves ready for the day, which has been really nice. I printed off a list for them to do and it works fairly well each day. They eat, do their breakfast dishes, get dressed, put away their clothes, and then get their toothbrushes. We've been having them "brush their teeth" while I do their hair in the morning because then Parker doesn't throw a huge fit when it's her turn.
I finish cleaning the kitchen and get Rylee ready while the girls do their stuff. After doing their hair, they play outside until it gets too hot. While they do that, I get myself ready for the day, make the bed, pick up the house, get Rylee some solids in her chair, and work on my to-do list for the day.
Around 10:30, the girls usually come inside and we do "homeschool". We start with reading. They all sit down with me on the floor and I read aloud to them. I start with board books I think Rylee with be interested in (when she loses interest, she starts walking around the living room playing), then read the picture books Parker and Ashtyn picked out, then Ashtyn usually wants to read a book to me, then we do scriptures and we finish by reading out of whatever chapter book we're in the middle of.
After reading, we do stuff at the table. I have journals for the girls, where they dictate while I write and then they get to draw on the back of the page. We have workbooks from the dollar store that they like, coloring books, puzzles, and sometimes we'll do an activity off of Pinterest.
Then I nurse Rylee around 11:30 (Ben has been working up till now in his office, this is when Caleb comes over and they work out). Then we get lunch ready, eat lunch, and just hang out until naps.
1:00, I put Rylee and Parker down for naps. Rylee always sleeps (usually for 1 hour 30 minutes) and Parker rarely naps (even though she obviously still needs it). Ashtyn has her quiet time downstairs now; she either lays on the couch reading picture books or is at the table drawing or doing puzzles.
After naps, we run any errands we have or go for a walk if it isn't above 90 degrees. Ashtyn has been learning to ride her balance bike on the walks and is so excited to try a bike with pedals next year. When we get home, it's usually time to feed Rylee again.
Then we play inside, watch a show, do a five minute clean up, and/or get dinner ready. Depending on the weather and how much time they spent outside earlier, the girls might go outside while I'm making dinner.
We try to start eating between 5:00 and 5:30, when Ben finishes work. After dinner, we try to find something to do. Sometimes we go visit Ben's parents and let the girls play with cousins. Sometimes we walk down to the park. If we've had a rough day, we'll watch a show or Ben will play Let's Go Pikachu with the girls. If we didn't take a walk earlier, we'll go for a walk before bed. It's our family time, though with the kids so small still, it's usually a parents-trying-to-survive-until-kids'-bedtime.
I nurse Rylee at 7:30 and put her down by 8:00. The older girls are down by 8:30. Then Ben and I either relax (I usually read and Ben plays Smash or reads) or we do something together. We try to be in bed and asleep between 10:00 and 10:30.
Not all our days look like this, obviously, but we're fairly consistent. Mondays we go grocery shopping in the afternoons. Tuesday, I try to take the girls to the library for story time instead of doing normal homeschool stuff. We only do "homeschool" Monday through Thursday and we clean the house on Friday morning (the girls help, then play outside while I finish), though I try to read aloud everyday. Wednesdays I get the laundry through and put it away on Thursdays. Wednesday nights, Ben and I also meet with our writing group. Friday nights, we do movie night with pizza and Ben's unmarried siblings come over for that if they're not hanging out with friends.
Saturdays are my slower mornings, where I don't have a lot on my to-do list. I let the girls watch a movie and don't worry about making eggs for breakfast. I read a lot and sometimes don't shower until the afternoon. We have a couple things we do to get ready for Sunday, but other than that, we try to relax. Saturday afternoon/evening is Ben and my typical date night, though sometimes we will do it on Thursday instead.
Sunday mornings are a flurry of getting ready for church and then getting through church with three children. When we get home, we get lunch as fast as possible and put the girls down so Ben and I can relax together. Then we spend the rest of the day with family (via video chat and in real life). In the evening after we put the girls down, I plan my week so that we can start fresh Monday morning.
It's a pretty good flow and I like it. I feel like I'm succeeding at creating some good habits and prioritizing the right things in life. Life with three kids has been exhausting and at times, it feels like there's not enough time for everything, but I am so grateful for the life we have and the family I've been blessed with.