Sunday, September 3, 2023

Oliver is 2!

Second birthday: September 2, 2023 

Favorite food: Pizza, cookies, pasta, any kind of meat, mini marshmallows 

Favorite toys: Cars, all day long. He also loves balls and dogs and animals.

Common words: Ball, big truck, Dad, no, blue, car, dog, tractor, hot chocolate

Things you love to do: Ride the tricycle, go on walks, push cars around, run around with his sisters

Temperament: Reserved while he warms up to things, scared of loud noises. He's starting to make his wants known (ie throw fits sometimes) but is easily distracted or stops once he's understood

Things that excite you: Dogs/animals, sisters, going outside, ice cream, 

People who love you: Everyone. But especially me. 

Happy birthday, my baby boy!