Sunday, May 7, 2023

Family April Journal - Snow and Warm Weather

 As the weather warms up, things are starting to get busier again. It's fun to be able to go outside and see family. Two of the highlights of the month were Easter and Ben and my tenth anniversary. Another highlight was Caleb moving back to Vernal from Florida. We love being able to spend time with him again, for however long we get to have him. 

We started off the month with warmer weather and General Conference. I shared this some on Facebook, but it was a really great experience for me. I had prepared some different things for the kids and tried to make it a positive experience for them (rather than just trying to keep them quiet) and it really brought the Spirit into our home. 

One of the things I did was have bags of treats and little toys that were labeled with different topics. As we heard the topic during Conference, the kids got to open up the bags. It worked really well and I have ideas for how to make it even better in future years. 

We also helped our children be familiar with the twelve apostles and were looking for them as we watched, with these pictures. 

The kids were really excited for Legos because we haven't gotten them out since Oliver started moving. Legos during conference is a tradition that Ben had in his family growing up and I love getting them out for our kids. 

Playdoh also did a great job and keeping the kids occupied and quiet. 
I ended up getting a few new toys for the playdoh to make it extra special.

Parker made this out of playdoh 💗

And then did it in every color 😂

We also did toothpick engineering with jelly beans but it didn't work very well. First of all, it was hard to get the toothpicks into the jelly beans and second of all, it was distracting to the kids and they had a hard time staying quiet while doing it. 

We also did some crafts (what I did during conference growing up). I got them markers (we don't usually have them around because Rylee and Oliver draw on walls with them if I'm not watching) and glitter glue. The girls loved it. We also made our countdown chain for Disneyland. Ben thinks it's too ealry to make the chain and he may be right 😅

The girls' April Fools joke!

Ben and I successfully completed the first month of our five year plans.

It's getting warm enough to do hot dogs and marshmallows again! The kids did it with their Grandpa during the winter (they call it Survivor Kids), but I always stayed inside with Oliver during those. I'm wimpy when it comes to the cold haha 

We also went to the Mario movie in theaters. We all had a blast!

And while we went to the movie, Oliver got to be babysat by his cousins. 💗

We love park day weather 💗💗

Ben and I tried to go on a hike for a date, but the mountains were still wet and muddy. 
We ended up hiking as far as we could (which wasn't far) and then sat and talked. 

And ice cream break in the morning 💗

Grandpa Danny made this dinosaur for his work, so we had to go visit it (and him)!

Ben and I also did a dinner date and then went to a ballroom class at our rec center, then got ice cream after. It was a super fun date and we even ended  up going back the next week!

The girls and I also went to Auntie Hannah's dance performance. I love watching her dance and the girls and I always have fun going to her performances. 

Some pictures the kids took themselves: 

And a video that Ashtyn took haha

We had some warm days, but we also had some snow and colder weather. I got myself a new hoodie since the cold weather took so long to go away. 

Writer and homeschool Mom 💗

I officially have read more books on Goodreads than are on my TBR! 

Rylee drew this heart in church. 
I'm just not even sure.

Ashtyn currently loves to use magnifying glasses to burn. 
I had to stop her from actually making a fire in our front yard.

I love that Rylee's drawings are starting to take actual shapes. 

And Parker wrote a letter to God 💗
She was disappointed when it was still on the window sill the next morning.

Oliver loves to build with blocks. 
When I asked if he wanted a picture, he made this pose. 

I love seeing my kids read.

Ben got a pro controller for Smash and a special skin for it.

Oliver loves that he is big enough to walk around places outside. 
This was his first time walking around our backyard.

Warm weather!

With the warm weather, the kids love catching bugs. 
This is a butterfly Parker caught.

Parker loves tumbling and is working on walking on her hands right now.

When you're a mom, this is normal life.

Oliver is getting really good at eating with a spoon.

My oil change buddy. 
There was a dog there and Oliver both loved it and was scared of it.

Oliver loves to snuggle like this on me. I think he is listening to my heart.

The kids, and especially Oliver, love smoothies!

When the kids got some spending money, they all bought one of these little dogs. 
Parker set this up and then wanted a picture.

Oliver loves pizza!

Sisters 💗

Oliver has recently started folding his arms for the prayer and it's my favorite thing 💗

We had a great month! We are really enjoying spring and the warmer weather!