August was a great last month of summer for us! And I was able to get a lot of stuff done in preparation for the baby, which felt great. And we made it to September before having the baby, which is something I really wanted!
Our biggest event was Rylee's birthday on August 11th. She turned three and absolutely loved it! I did a separate blog post about that here.
Ashtyn took a free online bug course and really liked it. This was a project she did at the end of it.
She drew a picture of a praying mantis and then looked up facts about it.
One of the biggest things she did was catch a praying mantis and make a pet of it.
We have now bought spring water for it and Ashtyn spent her own money on a new cage and some crickets for it from the pet store. She also catches bugs (like house flies, caterpillars, black crickets, and grass hoppers) to feed it and cleans out its cage.
Rylee has started taking off her clothes to sleep. Luckily she leaves her diaper on, though we've started doing backward sleepers during her nap in case she has a messy diaper (she plays in it during her nap if she does, but the backward sleeper stops her).
One nice thing was that the weather started cooling off a bit this month! We loved spending some time outside when it wasn't 100 degrees!
Vernal Live Theater did their Junior Show this month, so I got tickets to take the girls. I ended up being sick with a cold on that day, so Ben took the girls. I was glad they got to go and they were excited to see a friend down the street in the show.
This is a little buggy at Ben's aunt's house and Rylee was just adorable.
Parker loved it as well. She told me that someday she was going to have her husband drive her around in it.
This is from an art lesson Ben did with Ashtyn, focusing on shapes.
Another really fun thing was Ben's cousin had her baby! We have been in heaven holding and snuggling him!
We also went to the last library activity of the summer. The library here in Vernal is amazing and we absolutely loved all the activities they put on!
August was a big month of preparation for the baby. I finished freezer meal, set up all the baby stuff, and made sure the house was clean. I spent some time cleaning drawing off the walls and spot painting. The night after cleaning this door, this is what it looked like. We've actually taken a break from markers and scissors for a little bit, after a few incidents.
Rylee just loves to snuggle in blankets.
Ben and I were really wanting to get to the temple before the baby came and it was so nice. We did a session with Ben's parents. I'm so grateful the temples have opened up and for the blessing of temples on the earth.
Another big thing that happened this month was that Oliver was breech at my 36 week appointment. It was a really stressful week as we tried to turn him. I had a hard time with it at first, but used exercises, supplements, and hypnobabies and was able to get him turned. To make sure everything was alright, we went and got an ultrasound and everything was perfect. I was so happy to get him in the right position and be ready for a home birth.
Our neighborhood did a block party that was really fun. This was the outfit Parker had picked out because she wanted to "look cool" for the party.
Before we had the baby, we also got in a stream fishing trip with Ben's dad. This was something that Ashtyn was really wanting to do and it was really fun. All the kids were able to catch fish too!
The girls were able to get almost everything on their summer bucket lists done!
This was our "first day of school" picture.
One of the activities we did was make bird feeders out of toilet paper rolls, peanut butter, and bird seed. The girls absolutely loved it!
And these were the papers they filled out about their upcoming school year!
Closer to my due date, we went up to Remember the Maine Park for a little mini hike/walk. It was much closer than where we went for stream fishing and still really fun.
This is a picture of Parker at our Sunday meet to treat with family. She built a big castle out of the blocks and was really proud of it.
That was our August month! It was a busy and fun time. We loved summer but are really excited for what the rest of the year will bring.
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