Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Back to School!

 This week is "back to school" where we live. We took small amounts of time off our school routine (like the last couple of weeks, with family visiting and then me getting sick), but we didn't really "take the summer off". With taking the last few weeks off and everyone gearing up for school, we're all feeling excited for a new year of learning! 

This is our "homeschool wall" and I love it. The left side is their morning list. I love having the alphabet underneath and it's been especially helpful when Parker wants to know what a letter is (she loves writing stuff and sometimes forgets what a letter looks like). The map is something we use often as well and it's really easy to go over and point out where things are as the locations come up. The bulletin board is a place we can hang up the kids' artwork, keep a "homeschool calendar", and keep our current family goal/streak. 

This a "morning list" that I revitalized in time for "back to school". I love that each thing is its own individual card because then I can change it around as needed. 

The girls are all excited for what this year will bring! 

Ashtyn would be in second grade this year. She loves things like this and was very excited to fill out her papers. She also had many, many ideas of what she wanted to do and found some ways to combine them.
My name is: Ashtyn 
Something I want to learn this year: A back walk-over 
My teacher's name: Charly (my mom)
I'm excited for: Do dance class (she and Parker wanted to do a local theater class this year)
Something I find difficult: A front walk-over 
My favorite subject: Math and Books 
My favorite book: Comic books 
My favorite hobby: Dance 

Ashtyn is going to continue working on typing, writing her story, piano, math, and learning Esperanto (a constructed language that Ben and I have learned). She is also taking a theater class with a local theater that she is very excited for. 

In addition to these, we sat down and helped her pick out a project that she wants to work on each day for the next few months (at Christmas time, our "extra" school time will go towards Christmas activities). She really wanted to do something that would help her learn more about bugs and she also really wanted to record her own audiobook. 

My goal is to: Make an audiobook about bugs 
Ways I can work toward my goal: 
1. Learn about bugs (catch them, read books, watch videos) 
2. Write the book 
3. Record the book (learn how to record an audiobook) 
4. Edit the recording 
Why this goal is important to me: It sounds fun and I really like bugs 
New things I will try: Get good at front walk-overs, my new theater class 
I am going to work harder at: hand stands, typing, and piano 
I will read: Comic books and graphic novels 

Parker would be in first grade this year. She was a little less enthusiastic about filling out the papers (at one point, she asked why we had to fill out this boring paper and talk about stuff she likes πŸ˜‚), but she is happy that she gets to focus on the thing she is most interested in--dance. 

My name is: Parker 
Something I want to learn this year: Irish dance 
My teacher's name: Charly
I'm excited for: My theater class! Dancing more! Dance with Hannah when she comes back! 
Something I find difficult: Reading Eggs (but sometimes it's fun!) 
My favorite subject: Math and Science 
My favorite book: Black Widow 
My favorite hobby: Dance 

My goal is to: Learn how to do an Irish dance (*I had to talk her down from learning every single kind of dance there is πŸ˜‚)
Ways I can work toward my goal: 
1. Learn how to hold your body 
2. Learn steps, like skipping 
3. Put steps together to music 
4. Practice everyday 
Why this goal is important to me: I dance a bunch and it's really fun
New things I will try: new moves in Irish dance 
I am going to work harder at: learning to read 
I will read: Books in Reading Eggs 

Rylee would be in preschool this year. Because she's younger, we didn't choose a goal project for her yet. We're focusing on lots play, learning letters, building small and gross motor skills, and lots of reading aloud. 

My name is: Rylee Sue 
Something I want to learn this year: Learning to be a grown up 
My teacher's name: Charly 
I'm excited for: Go to the Rec Center to swim! 
Something I find difficult: Eating an apple 
My favorite subject: Science 
My favorite book: Billy Goats Gruff 
My favorite hobby: Drawing 

I sure love these kids of mine and I feel so blessed to be here homeschooling them. They are amazing children and I know we are going to have a great year together πŸ’—

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