A few weeks ago, our family gave talks in sacrament meeting (including the girls). I thought I'd share them here (Ben didn't write his down, he just took notes and winged it, so his isn't here).
Charly’s Talk
Many years ago, I came across a beautiful story online that helped me rethink my own view of gratitude.
A woman shared how she felt impressed to start a daily gratitude journal. Before bed every night, she would write down at least one thing, specific to that day, that she was grateful for. It was going really well, until she experienced a miscarriage.
That night as she was lying in bed and it was time for her to do her daily gratitude, she thought, what about today could I possibly be grateful for? I am in physical and emotional pain and it might have been the worst day of my life so far.
But she couldn’t not do it and as she let her mind ponder, she realized that in the midst of her pain, she did have so much to be grateful for--a loving husband to carry her to her bed and be with her through her pain, a home to come back to, a loving Savior to strengthen her and help her through her trial.
When before she thought that there was nothing good in her life, now she was filled with a spirit of gratitude.
In his talk Grateful in Any Circumstance, Uchtdorf said, “Everyone’s situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. Nevertheless, I have learned that there is something that would take away the bitterness that may come into our lives. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious.
We can be grateful!
It might sound contrary to the wisdom of the world to suggest that one who is burdened with sorrow should give thanks to God. But those who set aside the bottle of bitterness and lift instead the goblet of gratitude can find a purifying drink of healing, peace, and understanding.”
Finding gratitude in life is not always easy, but it is something that God has asked us to do because it brings so much joy into our lives. I know that living in the way God has asked us is how we can live in a grateful way of praising God.
In Psalms 146:3 it says, “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is the Lord his God.”
I love the word hope here. Even during our heartaches and trials, we can have hope that God will make things right in the end and that He will help us through whatever it is we're facing.
When I was 19, Ben and I had been dating for about six months. I was already in love with him and thought that we were going to get married. Instead, we broke up, for various reasons. While we both had deep feelings for each other, there were many reasons why we couldn’t at the time move forward to marriage.
This was a very hard thing for me to accept and became a difficult emotional challenge for me. I knew from past crushes in high school that I didn’t want to wallow, however, and I turned towards God.
I increased my temple attendance and scripture reading. I tried hard to find small ways to serve others especially when I was at my lowest. I began preparing for a mission. It could have been one of the worst periods of my life, but instead it became one of the sweetest. I felt God’s love for me and on the days I struggled most, I could turn to Him and feel His presence strengthening me.
The amazing thing to me, when I look back at that time of life, is how wonderful it was. It was a hard time for me emotionally, but it was a time when I felt so much gratitude for God’s love and plan for me.
The good news is that this story had a really happy ending--Ben and I did eventually end up getting married, at the time that was right for us.
Elder Edward Dube said, “Serving the Lord with love and gratitude in spite of great sufferings is “pressing toward the mark.” Pressing toward the mark includes focusing energy and efforts on the sacred and joyful work of bringing souls to Christ. As God’s voice takes precedence over any other ambition, Jesus Christ will offer help and comfort.”
Serving others with love helps us to feel gratitude even at times when we are facing personal challenges and suffering.
Psalm 146:2 says, While I live, I will praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being.
I love the phrase, while I have any being. It does not stipulate while things are going well for me, or while I face no challenges. It is while I have any being.
Uchtdorf said, “But some might say, “What do I have to be grateful for when my world is falling apart?”
“Perhaps focusing on what we are grateful for is the wrong approach. It is difficult to develop a spirit of gratitude if our thankfulness is only proportional to the number of blessings we can count.
True, it is important to frequently “count our blessings”—and anyone who has tried this knows there are many—but I don’t believe the Lord expects us to be less thankful in times of trial than in times of abundance and ease. In fact, most of the scriptural references do not speak of gratitude for things but rather suggest an overall spirit or attitude of gratitude.
It is easy to be grateful for things when life seems to be going our way. But what then of those times when what we wish for seems to be far out of reach?
Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life that stands independent of our current situation? In other words, I’m suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being thankful in our circumstances—whatever they may be.”
I love the lyrics to the song Beautiful Heartbreak by Hilary Weeks.
“I had it all mapped out in front of me,
Knew just where I wanted to go;
But life decided to change my plans,
And I found a mountain in the middle of my road.
I knew there was no way over it,
So I searched for a way around;
Brokenhearted I started climbin',
And at the top I found...
Every fear, every doubt,
All the pain I went through;
Was the price that I paid to see this view;
And now that I'm here I would never trade...
The grace that I feel,
And the faith that I find;
Through the bitter-sweet tears,
And the sleepless nights;
I used to pray he'd take it all away,
But instead it became a beautiful heartbreak.”
Often when we are at our lowest is when we can feel closet with God and experience spiritual growth in a new way, if we come to the experience with gratitude in our hearts.
Uchtdorf said: “As disciples of Christ, we are commanded to “thank the Lord [our] God in all things,”1 to “sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving,”2 and to “let [our] heart be full of thanks unto God.”3
Why does God command us to be grateful?
All of His commandments are given to make blessings available to us. Commandments are opportunities to exercise our agency and to receive blessings. Our loving Heavenly Father knows that choosing to develop a spirit of gratitude will bring us true joy and great happiness.”
I know that God has blessed us immensely. Even in the face of trials, we can turn to him and He will fill us with His love and gratitude. This is the way we find joy in life and better serve God.
I know that God lives. I am grateful everyday for his gospel and the blessings it brings me. I am so grateful for my family and the knowledge I have that I can be with them for eternity. As I face hardships, I am grateful for Christ and his atonement. And I hope that I can face whatever comes my way with gratitude towards God.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Rylee’s Talk
Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 146:1
When we praise God, we see all the good things he does.
Heavenly Father gave me a grandpa and grandma, a group of cousins, and a car. I am grateful for all God gives me and I love God.
In the name …
Parker’s Talk
The scriptures can help me follow God.
“Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word Christ, ye shall have eternal life.” 2 Nephi 31:20
The word of God is found in the scriptures.
I love the picture of Jesus in the Book of Mormon. It reminds me of how He loves me.
I love learning about Nephi. I love that he follows the Lord. I know I can follow the Lord like him. Learning about people in the scriptures helps me want to keep the commandments and love God.
Heavenly Father and Jesus are our Lord. Jesus helps us. You should be nice to others and follow the Lord.
Ashtyn’s talk
Music can point me towards God.
My favorite song is I am a Child of God. It helps me to feel closer to Heavenly Father.
There’s a story about music in the Friend that I love:
A Part to Play
The kids in Capri’s class talked a lot. They liked to tell each other about their week. They liked to answer questions in the lesson.
But not Capri. She couldn’t talk. She had a disability that made it hard to speak.
One Sunday, Sister Fox had exciting news. “The Primary program is coming up,” she said. “Each of you will have a part.”
Sister Fox gave slips of paper to the other children. Each paper had a line for them to say. But Capri could not say the words. How could she have a part in the program?
“I have a special part for you,” Sister Fox told Capri. She held up a small box. It had a little handle sticking out on one side. “Watch this.” Sister Fox turned the handle around and around. Soft music played from the box.
Capri clapped her hands. She knew that song!
Sister Fox smiled. “Here, you try.” She helped Capri turn the little handle. Music played. It was like magic!
“Will you play this song for us in the Primary program?” Sister Fox asked. Capri nodded. She was happy to have a part.
Soon it was the day of the program. One by one, each child walked up to the front to say their part.
“God loves us,” said Allie.
“God is our Heavenly Father,” said Zac.
Then it was Capri’s turn. She stepped up to the front. Then she turned the little handle on the box. The soft music played. Capri thought of the words of the song in her mind as she played.
I am a child of God, And He has sent me here, Has given me an earthly home, With parents kind and dear.
Capri looked out at all the people. They were smiling up at her.
At the end of the program, the bishop spoke. “Each child shared their testimony today,” he said. “What they shared is true. We are all children of God.”
Capri felt something warm in her heart. She knew the bishop was right. She was a child of God. And she had an important part to play.
I love that music helps the girl be a part of the program. It makes me happy. I love music because it helps me feel closer to God, when I sing and when I play piano.
I know the church is true. I know music helps me feel closer to God. I love God.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
The girls did such a great job writing and giving their talks and I am grateful I had the opportunity to give a talk as well. It is amazing how much you learn and how strong the Spirit is as you put in the work to prepare for something like that.