Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Tulip Festival and Temple Open House!

I recently realized that I never did a post about a trip I did with the kids earlier this year. We drove out to go to the tulip festival and then the Taylorsville temple open house and it was a wonderful trip! I wanted to share here briefly about it. 

We almost ended up not going out. The weekend we had planned on going out, it was snowing! We delayed our trip by a week and the kids got sick. Especially poor Oliver was still feeling sick (the girls were feeling better but still coughing), but it was the last week that both the open house and the tulip festival were running, so I decided to go anyway. I almost left Oliver home with Ben, but I knew Ben wanted to get work done and Oliver really wanted to come with me, so I brought him.

We went up through Provo canyon and stopped at the Orem Macey's for lunch at the deli there. Oliver, despite not feeling well, was in heaven that they had a car in the front of the cart.

The girls liked lunch there, but they loved getting ice cream cones after!

Then we drove to Thanksgiving Point for the Tulip festival!

Oliver didn't feel well most of the time, but tolerated our walk really well. I was really hoping he'd fall asleep in the stroller, but he didn't and the lack of sleep caught up with him later.

The kids LOVED these fish!

And Oliver spotted a tractor doing construction 😂

A wishing well in the Secret Garden!

This little garden was so cute and made me want to read the book with the kids (I haven't yet, but I am planning on it!)


Before we went home, I told the kids we could stop at the ferris wheel.

Even Oliver got on and liked it (for one round) before he wanted off, which surprised me. 
We didn't stay long, because Oliver really needed to sleep. I hoped he'd sleep the whole way to my mom's, but he only slept about ten minutes :/

By the time we got to my mom's house, he was really struggling. I was wishing I'd left him with Ben, because I think he would have taken a nap and been doing a lot better. 

I kept him awake until I finally relented on an early bedtime. He slept from 7 pm to 8:30 the next morning and woke up doing a lot better. I think he really just needed some sleep. 

Ashtyn finding snails!

Before we went home, we went with my mom to the temple open house. The kids all loved it, including Oliver. I love sharing the beauty and peace of the temple with my kids during these open houses.

After the open house, I drove the kids home to Vernal. 

It was a short trip, but we had fun and Oliver was happy to be home to get all better!

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