Sunday, December 22, 2024

Corn Maze 2024!

The corn maze in La Point (about a 30 minute drive from Vernal) is a favorite fall tradition each year. The kids love all the activities they have set up! We were going to go as a family, but Ben did a pickleball tournament in the morning that went way longer than he thought it would, so I took the kids without him (he didn't mind, since the corn maze isn't his favorite kind of activity). We ended up meeting cousins there, which was a lot of fun. 

Oliver loved the tractors, of course.

They also had a fire truck and an ambulance there to climb inside, which the kids all loved.

One of the things the kids did was a bullet train. I thought Oliver would love it, but he cried and didn't really like it.

The kids call it "Cousin Express"!

Then pony rides, the kids' favorite!

Parker was a little hesitant, but ended up really liking it.

I took the older kids through the corn maze. They were excited, but quickly lost interest (except Thomas). We got out, but Thomas didn't feel like we really solved it because we ended up coming out the way we'd come in. The other kids were more than done, though, which was a little disappointing to him. 

Once Oliver discovered this tractor toy, he didn't want to do anything else until it was time to go haha

We had fun at the maze, despite the kids being less than impressed with the maze itself.


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