Sunday, December 22, 2024

Family Memories in October 2024!

 October was busy and fun as we started the holiday season and spent a lot of time with family and friends. We did Halloween activities (including the corn maze), celebrated Ashtyn's tenth birthday, and went to Hannah's wedding.

We started off the month with General Conference, a favorite weekend of the year!

We spend time leading up to conference learning about the apostles and then as each one speaks, we move their picture to a different wall. We also always get out Legos for the duration as well.

We have treat bags labeled with different topics. As the kids hear topics discussed during conference, they can open up the corresponding treat bag. 

Cinnamon rolls!

And a puzzle! I love our different activities and traditions around the weekend, but I especially love how much my kids look forward to it. 

Little Augustine visiting and giving grins while we helped prepare for her wedding!

I love how much the boys love pickleball! Ben and I tried to take advantage of some of the last warm weather to do outdoor pickleball before it got too cold.

And, of course, leaf piles!

In October, the kids put on a wedding for the cousins' elves (Elf on the Shelf). 

It was quite a production that they prepared for over a week.

Oliver playing during Hannah's wedding reception 💗

We love the library with cousins! We try to go each week.

Ashtyn ended up buying Ben's chess set and plays with anyone she can talk into playing with her. She loves it.

I took a picture of Oliver when he was upset about something ...

And then he wanted a picture to show he was "happy" now 😂

One of Parker's favorite foods is Brazilian Beans and Rice, so she had me teach her how to make them.

For activity days, Ashtyn and Parker learned the dance to Thriller.

Ashtyn's very mini fortune teller.

One weekend in October, Jon came to visit! We went looking for fall leaves, got pizza, and played video games with him!

Ashtyn also learned how to make Angel Food Cake and had a lot of fun with (and it turned out really good too!). She ended up making both cakes for her birthday later in the month too. 

My mom came for a visit as well and while she was here, we got to go get an ultrasound to determine the gender of our baby. 

And we're having another girl! I was worried Oliver would be disappointed, but he just rolled with it. Parker was pretty disappointed right at first, though now she's used to it and very excited. It honestly shocked both Ben and I, but we're also getting used to the idea and are very excited.

We're in love already 💗

Witch cauldron science--with baking soda and vinegar. The kids love it!

And making little bats from the dollar store.

And Halloween Bingo!

I love fall and the start of the holidays and we really enjoyed October this year!

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