Sunday, May 12, 2024

April 2024 Family Journal

 April was a wonderful month, with warmer weather, a trip for Ben and my 11th anniversary, and lots of time spent with family!

We started off the month with General Conference! I love making it a special experience for our kids and I love the Spirit conference brings into our home. 

One thing we do is put candy into little baggies labeled with different gospel topics. As the kids listen and hear the topic, they get to open the bag and eat the candy. It helps them try to pay attention a little better and makes it fun!

Another thing we do is learn about the apostles as conference approaches. As we learn about them, we put them on the wall and then as they talk, we move their picture to the wall by the TV. The kids love watching for them during conference. 

I made this simple note page for the kids.

We always get out Legos and keep them out for each session.

This year, I spent most of conference on Saturday painting (with some help from Ben, who was feeling sick).

We also love getting out playdoh (and I usually get a new playdoh toy for the kids).
They love to sit and play with the playdoh while they listen.

We love to do cinnamon rolls on Saturday morning!

And then we did donuts on Sunday morning!

And we always do a puzzle during the Sunday afternoon session. I picked a 500 piece puzzle this year and the kids lost interest (they got out some of our smaller puzzles), and it took me over an hour after conference was over to finish it. Next year, I'm going to get a 200 piece puzzle.

We love going to the library with cousins!

Oliver and Jonathan have become buddies and it's my favorite thing πŸ’—

When you take boys to the library πŸ˜‚

I love how much Oliver loves pickleball. 

We had some warm days in April (and some cold ones!). 
I love when kids get to play outside. 

Pokemon Go πŸ˜‚

Kolson got a little four wheeler for his birthday and Oliver loves to ride it around at Grandma and Grandpa's πŸ’—

Kolson's birthday party! 
Jessica did a "drive in" movie with cardboard box cars and it was super cute!

Oliver is seriously obsessed.

He loves for Grandpa to ride the "big four wheeler" while Oliver rides the "baby four wheeler".

They just want it to be summer and I agree!

Catching bugs!

Oliver loves to play with his tractors in the dirt and it's so cute.

He's also starting to ride his balance bike (last year he wouldn't get on it because he was nervous about it).

When the tractor next door (they're building a house) is working, Oliver will take his tractors out and do what they're doing 😍

Ashtyn loves to make videos with my phone haha

Rylee lost her top front tooth!

Oliver loves stroganoff!

I love his little voice! And the finger!

Ben and I have been playing Case of the Golden Idol together and really like it!

Ashtyn had her theater class performance in April and did such a great job!

I'm proud of how hard she worked to prepare and I love seeing how much she loves it!

Jon and Amanda came out to see her performance! They are so cute with the kids and it was fun to see them and hang out with them for their short visit!

We love all the time we get with family and springtime weather!

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