Saturday, June 16, 2018

Baby Planning Update

I did a post awhile ago about my plans for preparing for our baby and thought I'd just do an update. Honestly, things aren't coming along as well as I'd like, but we're making progress.

So first, I did get all the videos ready for YouTube for a month after we have the baby. I have them recorded, edited, and even uploaded, all I have to do is release them. Having that done does feel good.

Second, our yard. *sigh* it's turning out to be a lot more work than we originally planned (we've had to haul in dirt, etc. before we can even think about seed or anything). And, because most of it is stuff that I can't do, then I'm waiting around for other people which is not my strongest suit. Point in case, we have two piles of dirt sitting in our front yard, which have been there since Monday, and I'm not sure when we're going to be able to level it out. It's driving me crazy. We still need to finish the dirt, install the sprinkler system, plant (and keep alive) the seed, and put in the fence. We want to do most of this ourselves to save money and I'd really like it all done before the baby comes, which doesn't honestly give us much time.

Then there's the upgrade from our two door car to a van. I wanted to have a van by now, but it just hasn't worked out. I'm hoping to have that fixed on Monday (Ben and I are driving to Orem with a few hopefuls in mind). It would be huge thing to check that off my list. Then we just have to sell our other car, preferably before the baby comes as well.

Next up was my deep cleaning and decluttering. I've basically finished the decluttering (we really didn't have a lot, after moving so recently and just keeping up with it in general). I've also made a ton of progress on our deep cleaning this week. I've finished pretty much everything except some of the kitchen and the areas that have less traffic. I still have a lot to do in the kitchen (pretty much all the appliances and behind them). I also have all the floors and I want to do some spot painting. Then I'll go through the basement and garage and just make sure they're good. I was hoping to be done with it this week, so thinking about all I have left to do is a little discouraging, but at least I'm making progress.

This next week, I want to find the van, finish the cleaning, make progress on the yard, and we also have an doctor's appointment for the girls during which I'll get the prescriptions for some things we need for after the birth.

After that, I get to do my meal prepping, which I'm most excited for! Mostly because I get to eat all that food after the baby comes and I can't wait for that :D

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Parker is 2!

Parker has somehow been with us two years now! It's crazy how quickly the time flies by (I have a feeling it only gets faster the more kids you have and the older your kids get)! We have loved having her in our family!

Third birthday: June 1, 2018

Favorite food: Treats. Parker loves treats, from candy to cookies to ice cream. She also loves sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, cheese, whole apples (she won't eat sliced), and raisins. Honestly she just loves food and eating in general.

Favorite toys: Books. Parker loves to grab books, bring them to her little rocking chair, and "read' them to herself. She also loves babies, her stuffed puppy, toy dinosaurs, and little plastic spiders.

Favorite things to say: “
"Menum, menum" (that's how she says meow)
"No way!"
"Da" (she still says this for anything she doesn't know how to say haha)
"Da jeez!" (more please!)

Favorite things to do: Go on bear hunts, jump on Ashtyn's bed, jump on the tramp, swing ("high!" she says), pet cats or dogs, cross her legs, go on walks, walk to see the animals down the street, and play with Ashtyn.

Favorite People: Grandpa (Grandpa Danny, Grandpa Luke, Grandpa Gary, random older men at church who she gets to pick her up and give her candy), Daddy (she's always been a Daddy's girl, which is adorable), Mommy (she's gotten a lot more mom clingy, especially at bedtime and nights lately), and basically any family (dada-for grandma, hanni--for hannah, bamba--for grandpa, bamba--for Caleb too, Ash-ees--for Ashtyn).

Learned this year: Counting to three (though it often sounds like du, du, du!), how to say more than a few words, how to jump with both feet off the ground at the same time, some letters (mostly P and E), and a lot of colors.

Favorite books: Go Dog Go, We're Going on a Bear Hunt, Thank You God for my Family, The Little Mouse the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear, any nursery rhyme book, and The Itsy Bisty Spider

Favorite shows: We're Going on a Bear Hunt (there's a 30 minute cartoon of the book we have and it's her favorite), Signing Time, The Three Little Pigs (Disney Classics), and nursery rhymes. Her favorite movies are any with animals, like the Aristocats or Lady and the Tramp.