Saturday, November 27, 2021

My Plans for Christmas Presents!

As our little family has grown, we have tried hard to focus on experiences together rather than presents. I love the traditions we have and the memories we make! We do, however, still do presents every year. 

To keep myself from going overboard, I limit the gifts to a small number and within a certain budget. We try to do one big gift for each of the kids and for ourselves. If I have littler things I want to get the girls, I fit it into the budget for stockings. 

I had a hard time deciding on the girls' gifts this year. It feels like we have so many toys already that they love and I love. I also like to get them something that they are excited to open but that I want to keep around afterwards, and it can be hard to find something that does both. I might have erred more on the side of the second this year, we'll see. 

For Ashtyn, we decided to get her some games for her DS, which she really enjoys playing. We got them from eBay, so we were able to get a couple. We got a Sonic the Hedgehog game, a Puppies Pal game, and a My Little Pony game. I do think she'll be really excited to open them. 

For Parker, I went with something safe--an action figure type toy. We got My Little Pony figurines for her. I know she'll be excited for that and they'll get played with a lot. 

Rylee was the hardest one. She doesn't sit and play with a lot of toys. She does love little things that she can take apart and reorganize and put back together. So, I decided to get some wooden food that has the Velcro, so the child can "cut" it. It can replace the cheap plastic play food we currently have and I think she'll play with it a lot. 

Ben decided to get a second dock for his Nintendo Switch, so he can easily move the Switch between his office and the basement. I decided to choose my gift as well this year (instead of being surprised) and got a Kindle that has a light. This will allow me to charge my phone in a different room but still read in the night if kids wake me up. It will also let me spend less time with my phone in general while still having access to ebooks.

None of the kids' gifts were as expensive as I'd planned, so we ended up getting them each a character hoodie as well. Ashtyn got a Pokemon one, Parker got a My Little Pony one, and Rylee got an Octonauts one. I'm almost more excited for those than the actual toys because they are so cute. 

The kids are excited for Santa! Ashtyn is asking for science experiments, so we got her a science kit. She loves doing experiments, so I think she'll love it, and it looks like she can do a lot of them mostly independently. 

When I very first asked Parker what she wanted for Christmas (trying to decide what WE would give her), she told me she wanted a blue bunny with a zipper so that it can have baby bunnies in its tummy (we have a unicorn like that). I told her I didn't think stores made that and she asked me, "So Santa's elves aren't real??" So of course, then I had to figure out how to get one for her. I bought a blue bunny and my mom sewed a zipper into its tummy, and then I bought smaller bunnies separately. I think she'll love it. 

Rylee is asking Santa for underwear (because she wants to be potty trained) and Dashi (her favorite character from Octonauts). 

Besides small stocking stuffers, I am also getting each of the girls binoculars from Santa. This is something they all really want and will love having. I also got them each scratch paper (where you scratch off the black to draw on it), which I think they'll absolutely love! 

I am so excited to be moving into the Christmas season! This is one of my favorite times of the year. 

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Finding Gratitude

I heard a story once about a lady who had started a daily gratitude journal. At the end of each day, she would open up a notes app on her phone and write down one thing from that day that she was grateful for. 

Then she faced a heartbreaking situation--a miscarriage. As she lay in bed that night, she remembered her gratitude journal habit. But, she thought to herself, what in the world do I have to be grateful for today? I'm in pain. My heart is hurting. It has been the crappiest day of my life. 

But as she thought about it more, she realized that she did have so much to be grateful for. A husband who carried her to her bed. A doctor who made sure she was okay physically. A home and bed to rest in. 

When I heard this story, I was filled with so much gratitude for my own blessings. Life can get hard. It can get really hard. But no matter our situation, there will always be something to find gratitude for. Here are some of the things I am most grateful for. 

My Family 

My Children 

My Husband 

My Books 

My Writing 

The Gospel 

Jesus Christ 

My hope is that our yearly reminder to be grateful at Thanksgiving can carry over into our daily lives throughout the rest of the year. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Our CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN 2021 - A Picture Book Advent!

When Ashtyn was 2, I was really excited for Christmas. I bought all the presents I had planned for her before Thanksgiving was even over. Then, because I was so excited still, I continued to buy presents. We had so many presents under the tree.

Christmas morning came and Ashtyn opened a present. She loved it! She opened another one. She loved it too! We had to coax her away from the toy she loved to open the next present. And we coaxed her to open the next. 

I ended up opening more of her presents than she did. 

As we looked around the living room, I knew this wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to focus on Christmas, but not on the presents. I wanted to downsize what we bought and find more ways to create memories together. 

The next year, I focused on traditions and found ways to keep the presents from getting too out of hand. The year after that, I started our new bookish advent tradition. 

This is a tradition we have where the girls unwrap one Christmas book a day in the month of December leading up to Christmas. We read the book together and do an activity together (often, the book goes with book, other times, it doesn't). It's a countdown we have in addition to their countdown chains and we all have so much fun with it. 

Friday, November 26

I am one of those people who would be happy to start Christmas the day Halloween is over. I do love Thanksgiving though, and Ben doesn't like to start Christmas too early, so we wait until after Thanksgiving (it's a true compromise, since Ben's preference would be December 1st 😂). Then it's time for Christmas music and decorations and activities!

I love the Mismatched Nativity book! It has a really cute story about showing Christlike love and service and is one children can relate to really well. 

It's a great book for the first day, since this is the day we're going to decorate and pull out our nativities. We have a couple different ones, including the one from the book! As we decorate, I love to remind the children that Christ is at the heart of our celebrating. 

Book to unwrap: The Mismatched Nativity

Activity: Decorate for Christmas 

My favorite part of Christmas decorations are the white lights and how peaceful it feels with them on.

Monday, November 29

C is for Christmas is a beautiful, poetic book full of gorgeous illustrations. It has some of my absolute favorite Christmas pictures in it! 

Book to unwrap: C is for Christmas 

Activity: Build a Snowman (paper activity) and winter coloring pages

Tuesday, November 30

This is a story about a family who, each time they perform an act of service, they put a piece of hay in the manger. They try to fill it by Christmas Eve. My family had a similar tradition growing up and I wanted to pass that on to my own kids. Last year Danny helped me make a wooden manger and we got felt as the "straw" (real straw with a toddler in the house = a nightmare). This is Ashtyn's favorite tradition. Throughout the year, when she serves someone, she'll say, "if it was Christmas time, I could put a straw in the manger." 

The paper countdown is another of my favorite traditions. It's fun to make the chain and is a very visual way for the kids to see how close Christmas is getting. I help each child make their own chain and we hang them by the back door. Each night after brushing teeth, we take a loop off the chain. 

Book to unwrap: The Last Straw 

: Make paper countdown chains 

Wednesday, December 1

The gingerbread man is technically not a Christmas book, but since we make gingerbread cookies every year, we read it in December every year. 

I actually don't love gingerbread, but the kids have so much fun making the gingerbread and then I have fun decorating them (even though I never do a "fancy" job with 😅). The recipe I use is from my great grandmother's Scoville bakery. I normally wouldn't put this activity up at the beginning of the month, but the girls have cousins in town until after their aunt has the baby, and they want to make some together. It'll be fun! 

Book to unwrap: The Gingerbread Man 

Activity: Make gingerbread cookies 

Thursday, December 2

The Christmas Wish is one of my favorite stories! It's about a little girl who is trying to get to Santa to be his helper for Christmas, and meets different animal friends along the way who help her on her journey. The story is heartwarming and magical, and the artwork is beautiful. 

Visiting Santa is one of my favorite activities of the month and this year will be extra fun with their cousins in town (probably)! Last year, Santa visited our home, with all the Covid restrictions, and this year, we get to go to him. 

Book to unwrap: The Christmas Wish 

: Visit Santa 

Friday, December 3

The Polar Express book is another of my favorites. I don't love the movie, but I don't mind it either and we both read and watch it every year. 

To go along with the movie, we have a Polar Express party. I make Polar Express tickets to hole punch and we make hot chocolate with marshmallows. We invite cousins over and everyone watches the movie in their pajamas. It's a fun tradition! 

Book to unwrap: The Polar Express 

Activity: Hot chocolate party 

Saturday, December 4

This is a new Christmas book we're trying this year, on the recommendation of another homeschool parent. I've heard it's really heartwarming and I thought because it's about a Christmas tree, it would be perfect for the day we're decorating the tree! I like to decorate the tree near the beginning of the month, but also do it on a weekend so we're not rushed to have Ben help us. 

Book to unwrap: The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree 

Activity: Decorate tree 

Sunday, December 5

Making gingerbread houses is one of my favorite traditions, stemming from my childhood. It's not one of Ben's, because of the amount of work involved. So, we try to simplify it as much as possible to make it enjoyable for everyone. We use graham crackers (we've tried the kits, but never liked them) and he engineers the houses from the crackers while I help the kids decorate them. This year, we're going to invite cousins to do with it us, so it should be a party. 

You Are My Miracle is a cute Christmas spinoff of the book You Are My I Love You. It's always been one of my favorite Christmas books, though I feel that it's almost more for parents than for kids. One of the pages is about making gingerbread houses, so I always pair this book and activity together. 

Book to unwrap: You are my Miracle 

Activity: Make gingerbread houses 

Monday, December 6

If I had to pick one favorite Christmas book, this would be it. I love the illustrations and the story always brings the spirit of Christmas into my heart. The story is about a family in need and the way that they are served. Because Christmas is all about Christ, I really feel that a big focus should be on serving others for Him. 

The activity is one we do with Ben's family. Instead of exchanging gifts each year, we use the money instead to help a family who needs a little extra help with Christmas. We put together a fruit basket and then put the envelope of money in the basket. Last year, the girls all donated some of their money as well and I loved the way they were involved. 

Book to unwrap: A Christmas Dress for Ellen 

Activity: Drop off fruit basket to family 

Tuesday, December 7

How the Grinch Stole Christmas is another favorite! And I LOVE the cartoon. I'm not as much a fan of the live action movie, but I do like the animated one that came out recently. 

We let the girls have a mini tree up in their rooms that they can decorate (and then touch the ornaments afterwards, since I try to keep them from touching our tree downstairs). We always spend the morning making paper ornaments for the tree, and then putting the ornaments on only takes a few minutes. 

Book to unwrap: How the Grinch Stole Christmas 

: Decorate mini tree (and make decorations) 

This is one of the decorations they made for their tree last year, it's baby Jesus on a star.

Wednesday, December 8

This is another new book we're trying this year, the story of the Berlin Candy Bomber. I'm excited to have a history book in the lineup! 

We use the Christmas cards that we make this day to give to neighbors with our neighbor gifts. The girls will probably be making Christmas crafts to hang up on our homeschool wall while I make the Christmas cards. 

Book to unwrap: Christmas from Heaven 

Activity: Make Christmas cards/Christmas crafts 

Thursday, December 9 

This is a book I've had since Ashtyn was a baby. It's never been my absolute favorite, but the girls always love it and it has a cute message. Since Corduroy writing to Santa is a main part of the story, it works well for the day we write to Santa. Since we're seeing Santa in person before this, we'll write as a reminder. 

Book to unwrap: Corduroy's Christmas Surprise 

Activity: Write to Santa 

Friday, December 10

Mouse's Christmas Gift is a charming story about a small mouse who helps bring a community together for Christmas. I love the community love and service part of the book. 

This is probably the most exhausting day of the month for me, but it's also one of my favorites. I love making a lot of different kinds of cookies (I like to make snickerdoodles, M&M cookies, red and green homemade Oreos, and peanut butter kiss cookies). Then I put some of each on plates and take them to some of our neighbors! 

Book to unwrap: Mouse's Christmas Gift 

Activity: Make and deliver cookies 

Saturday, December 11

The Broken Ornament is a story about a boy who learns that there is more to Christmas than "bigger and better" decorations and presents. It's a great one to pair with our family tradition of making ornaments. That tradition started when Ben and I were newlyweds and didn't have enough money to buy a new ornament, so we each made one instead. I love the memories it creates each year!

Book to unwrap: The Broken Ornament 

: Make ornaments as a family

Last year, we made our ornaments out of perler beads. 
We haven't decided what we'll do this year. 

Sunday, December 12

When I was growing up, we always did a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas Eve. It was just our little family, but my mom made a special dinner and I made a menu. We all dressed up fancy, ate by candlelight, and did a whole program centered on Jesus. It was such a beautiful, peaceful time for us all. 

Ben and I have new family traditions on Christmas Eve (some of which are similar to what I had growing up), but I wanted to keep the birthday party for Jesus and the focus on Christ. We keep it simple, since we do it before Christmas Eve. We each get an envelope to put a special gift (something we will sacrifice or change) for Jesus in. We have a dessert and sing happy birthday to him. Then we watch videos about His birth and seal out envelopes. 

Book to unwrap: A Birthday Party for Jesus 

Activity: Birthday party for Jesus 

Monday, December 13

The Gift of the Magi is a classic for a reason. It is such a beautiful and touching story of love and sacrifice for those we love. I love this version of the book, as it has the original wording and such beautiful illustrations. 

The tradition of the kids making a gift for a sibling is one I got my aunt when I was growing up. I love the idea of them putting in time to create something for each other and helps to lower the amount of toys we get in the house (since we don't have them buy each other presents). They always have a lot of fun making the gifts.

Book to unwrap: Gift of the Magi 

Activity: Making sibling gifts 

Tuesday, December 14

This is another new book, but I think I've heard the story before. It's all finding a way to sacrifice for family for Christmas and I'm excited to read it together. This is also the day I'll help the kids wrap their presents for their siblings and finish wrapping any others they have left. 

Book to unwrap: Christmas Day in the Morning 

Activity: Kids wrap presents 

Wednesday, December 15

Harold at the North Pole is just like it sounds, based off the book Harold's Purple Crayon. Since it's a "winter" one, we'll be making paper snowflakes. This is one of the kids' favorite days of the month! When we're done, we hang them up in the girls' rooms until I get tired of winter and take them down. 

Book to unwrap: Harold at the North Pole 

Activity: Make paper snowflakes 

Thursday, December 16

This is another new book! I really like Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman, so I have high hopes for it!

One thing the kids really love to do is painting activities. I found thing fingerprint Christmas tree craft and thought it would be simple to do with them. If they want to do fingerprints, great, and if they just want to use their hands to spread paint around the paper, that works too. 

Book to unwrap: Mortimer's Christmas Manger 

Activity: Fingerprint Christmas Tree 

Friday, December 17

This version of Away in a Manger is simply the song put to beautiful paintings. This is one of my favorite Christmas songs and the paintings are really beautiful. 

Today we're going to do an engineering challenge. The challenge is to use toothpicks and Christmas gumdrops to make a Christmas tree. 

Book to unwrap: Away in a Manger 

Activity: Engineering with gumdrops and toothpicks 

Saturday, December 18

Parker loves everything to do with Nutcrackers, so naturally we had to get this book! 

I love the tradition of looking at lights--but with kids, for a short amount of time 😂 so afterwards, we stop for a treat. In the past, we've gone to Wendy's and gotten the kids Frosties. 

Book to unwrap: The Nutcracker 

Activity: Look at Christmas lights and get ice cream 

Sunday, December 19

This is pretty different from the little cartoon, but I like the book as well. I'm sure there are different versions of the story out there. 

I did this activity on a Sunday so that we can sing carols with Ben's family. Lindi can play the piano and everyone can pick a favorite. It is really low key, but the Christmas carols bring the Spirit so easily. 

Book to unwrap: The Little Drummer Boy 

Activity: Sing Christmas carols 

Monday, December 20

Our candy cane party consists of eating candy canes while we read the book, making paper candy canes, and making butter cookies that are shaped like candy canes. I also have other activities I can do, like a candy cane hunt or a candy cane science experiment.

The Legend of the Candy Cane book is a beautiful one. It tells the story of how the first candy cane was made and connects the candy cane with the symbolism of Christ. We like to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas for movie night each year.

Book to unwrap: The Legend of the Candy Cane 

Activity: Candy cane party 

Tuesday, December 21

This board book is a lift and flap book that the kids love every year! Playdoh is another of the girls' favorites! I have this recipe for Christmas flavored playdoh that is fun and seasonal. 

Book to unwrap: Clifford's Christmas Present 

Activity: Christmas Playdoh 

Wednesday, December 22

We love the bear books, though this is another new one this year. Another fun and simple thing the girls love is stickers. I found this idea to make a paper wreath for the girls and let them decorate it with stickers (and markers if they want). It's a great activity for their range of ages. 

Book to unwrap: Bear Stays Up 

Activity: Dot Sticker Wreath 

Thursday, December 23

This is a simple but cute board book about the mom and son bear making sugar cookies together. Which makes it the perfect read for the day we make sugar cookies. I like to make them to leave for Santa, but on Christmas Eve, I'm usually busy getting ready and sugar cookies are quite the process, so I always make them with the kids on the 23rd. 

Book to unwrap: Christmas Cookie Day 

Activity: Make sugar cookies 

Friday, December 24

And another new book for us to try this year. I think I had this read to me (or at least the story told to me) when I was younger. I wanted to end the countdown on a book that highlights how blessed we truly are. 

I always have coloring pages as the activity for Christmas Eve. Our evening is busy, so it's nice for the kids to do something more relaxing early on, and I usually have some prep things to do, so it's nice to have them occupied. While they color, I usually let them pick a couple of their favorite Christmas movies to rewatch. 

Book to unwrap: An Orange for Frankie 

Activity: Coloring Pages 

On Christmas Eve, after we get home from visiting family, we open a Christmas Eve present, leave out cookies for Santa, and then read The Night Before Christmas before going to bed. 

I also have two books ready for the girls to open when we do an activity that isn't on a planned day. 

The first is Why Christmas Trees aren't Perfect. I'm saving this for when we go with Ben's parents to get a tree. We've gotten a real tree in the past, though this year (while we have a newborn), we're going to use our artificial tree. But even when do, we love to go with Ben's parents up into the mountain and be with them while they cut their tree. 

The second is Snowmen at Christmas (a spin off of Snowmen at Night), which I'm saving for the first time it snows. It'll be fun to open it and then go play out in the snow, maybe make a snowman. 

The other Christmas books I have that I'm not going to wrap are The Nativity (chunky book/puzzle), The Not Very Merry Pout Pout Fish, Llama Llama Jingle Bells, Little Blue Truck's Christmas, Merry Christmas Little Pookie, A Christmas Wish (Peter Rabbit), Christmas in the Manger, My First Story of the First Christmas, and One Baby Jesus.  

I'm really excited for the Christmas season and all the fun, new memories we will make this year!