Monday, May 2, 2016

In Marriage, It's the Little Things

Sometimes it's easy, especially in our day of Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat, to see other people's lives and wish yours was more like theirs. This is definitely not a healthy view and I think it's especially destructive in a marriage. Instead of noticing what is lacking in your spouse, it's so much better to see the little things they do for you and feel grateful for it. 

This past week, a bad cold has hit our little family. Poor Ben had it the worst. Despite being pregnant, mine was the least bad (more an annoyance than anything, where poor Ben and Ashtyn were miserable). 

Even though Ben was miserable, he still was so thoughtful and kind to me. There were several times specifically that I noticed this and it made my heart swell with love and gratitude for the wonderful man I married. 

One such time was when we were getting ready for bed. I saw there was a roll of toilet paper on the bedside table. Ben already had a roll on the dresser next to his side of the bed, so I wasn't sure what it was doing there. I put it in the drawer, to be out of the way. 

When Ben got into bed, he asked where it was. I told him and he told me that he had gotten it for me, in case I needed to blow my nose during the night. It was such a thoughtful gesture, especially since his nose was way worse than mine. 

Another time, he went downstairs and got my water for me before bed, making sure I had it to stay hydrated. It was a small thing, but the fact that he was thinking of me and what I might need during the night when he was feeling so poorly himself meant so much to me. 

Even while he was sick, he still helped out a lot with dishes, food, and with watching Ashtyn. I'm sure all he wanted to was sit on the couch, but he still helped because that's who he is. 

Sometimes, in a relationship, grand or romantic gestures like flowers or a romantic get away are nice, but really, wouldn't you rather have a person who day in and day out thinks of you and puts your needs ahead of their own? 

I'm so blessed to have that. I know that Ben and I aren't perfect and we're always working on making our relationship better, but I'm so grateful to have someone who tries so hard for me. I love him. 

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