Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Claim on the Errand of Angels

Tonight, we had our ward's Relief Society birthday party. The young men helped in the nursery for mutual, so I just sent the girls there with Ben and relaxed with some of the ladies in our ward. I really, really enjoyed myself.

They had a group of women sing "As Sisters in Zion" and a line really touched. "The errand of angels is given to women and this is a gift that as sisters we claim." I have always loved that line, because I have a very strong testimony that God has given women a spirit of service and giving. I've been the recipient of this in my own life, I've watched the women around me as they've lived this, and I feel the desire within my own heart. I love the Relief Society, because it is an organized and God ordained way of uniting women to do exactly what God has called them to do--help lift those around them.

The lady who gave the talk portion of the evening spoke of the history and importance of the Relief Society. As she ended with her testimony, she said that she knew that God loved us and testified of our importance in the world and in our homes today. This really touched my heart.

Sunday night, my stomach started hurting and I did not feel well all of yesterday. It was hard on our entire family. I wanted to just take the day off and relax, but I couldn't fully do that (because as a mother of young kids, you never really can). My kids wanted me and my attention, our family ate almost nothing all day because I didn't have food around and wasn't up to making any, and even my poor husband felt my absence. It was a hard day, but it was also a reminder to me of the importance of my role as wife and mother.

I know that many in the world today look down on stay-at-home moms. They think we should be adding "more value" to the world. They think we're oppressed or lazy. They think we do nothing all day or that what we do doesn't actually affect the lives of our children in a positive way. They think we are going against feminism and equality and they think that we are wasting our lives.

They misunderstand the most important things in life. The most important things are not careers, money, progress, "equality", or even hard work. The most important things are God, family, and marriage.

The most important things are the moments when your child makes a mistake and you patiently show them why it was a mistake and teach them how to do better in the future.

The most important things are being there for the big moments in your child's life, even if those big moments seem small at the moment.

The most important things are those smiles, laughs, books, and homemade meals you share with your child while they're young so that you can share those same things with them when they're teenagers and adults.

The most important things are the day in and day out moments that build a marriage into something unbreakably strong.

The most important things are literally the hundreds of small moments a day that are really important without anyone realizing in that moment that it's important. And that, that is why mothers are so important. That is why Relief Society and the gospel matter so much. And that is why I'm proud to be a woman.

I know God has called me as an Angel. And that is a gift that I am ready to claim.

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