Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Family Memories in November!

 November is one of my favorite months of the year! Holidays are starting, we're preparing for Christmas, and it's the fun kind of busy. We had a wonderful month as a family in November this year!

We started the month off with lots and lots of water painting (that's what the Switch Witch brought and it was a huge hit). 

One of Parker's water colors.

Rylee's picture - "Nature's fascinating"

Lizzy and Ashtyn's giant origami Christmas tree 💖

One of our very favorite dinners--steak in the air fryer, beans and rice, Brussel sprouts, and homemade salsa.

I also painted the laundry room in November, trying to finish it up before Christmas stuff started. This was the before.

And the after! It was a simple change, but I was happy with how it turned out. 

I also reorganized our coat closet when I painted, and I love it. I love that the kids' coats are low enough that they can hang them up and that there's a place for everything. It's a much-used space and this reorganization has made it so much easier to upkeep. 


We didn't get a lot of snow, but the kids used every last bit to make a cute little snowman.

Ashtyn learned to ride the little motorcycle at Grandpa's and was super excited!

I love how Oliver lines up his toys 💖

I love soaking up these moments. 

Crocheting with Ashtyn! She's teaching me and I need to make more time for it so I can actually make some progress with it.

Babysitting Kolson can get a little rough 💖

I asked Oliver to lie down to get his diaper change, then I found him here 🤣

"Old McDonald had a farm"

"You are my sunshine!'

Oliver hiding at naptime haha

Oliver got to come with Mom and Dad to look at chairs and he thought the furniture store was about the best place ever. 

When you don't want to nap anymore, but finally fall asleep, most of your naps aren't in bed. 💖

We loved November and stayed plenty busy!

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