Saturday, June 19, 2021

Parker's Fifth Birthday!

 Parker had such a wonderful time celebrating her 5th birthday! 

The night before, I set up the streamers and balloons so she would wake up to those decorations. I made donuts while the kids played with the balloons. The donuts had pink frosting and I had pink and blue sprinkles to put on top. 

Once we got breakfast and donuts cleaned up, I took Ashtyn and Rylee over to Caleb's house to be babysat while Ben and I did a special date with Parker. 

We set up our bathroom and gave her a makeover. She specifically requested makeup on her eyes and lips. We also painted her nails and let her pick out a special hairdo. We played ballet music (her request) while we did it. Then she put on a dress and picked out accessories. 

We did a little photoshoot with her before we took her to B Fruity for a special fruit smoothie. A really nice older gentleman paid for her treat, which was fun. She loved that everyone there told her she looked like a princess, though she kept saying she missed her sisters. 

Then we picked up Ashtyn and Rylee and went home. During Rylee's nap, Ashtyn and Parker played with their neighbor friend for awhile and then all the girls watched Sophia the First (Parker's pick of a show) while I finished getting everything ready for the party. 

At six, we had family come over for Parker's Pancakes in Pajamas Unicorn party. Everyone wore pajamas and we made pancakes (with sprinkles and syrup and strawberry jam and whipped cream), sausage, bacon, strawberries and cherries, and vanilla and chocolate ice cream. I also made some waffles without flour for Makenzie and I. The decorations were unicorns and we had some unicorn bookmarks for the kids to color as well as little unicorn horn headbands. 

Parker loved everyone coming, being sung to, and opening presents. She had a blast at her party and felt so special. I love her and the traditions we have! 

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