Monday, March 21, 2016

I Think Ashtyn's Smarter Than Me

It amazes me every single day how quickly Ashtyn picks on things. Sometimes she says or does something and I just sit there in amazement, thinking "where did she learn that?" and "she is so smart!"

I, of course, do things to try and teach her. We've been working on letters and colors and things. But she honestly just picks things up from me or Ben or Signing Time or somewhere that I didn't even mean to teach her.

The other day, we were sitting on the couch. She understands the concept of two and loves to count things "one, toon!" Ben had been trying to teach her to count to three, but before, she'd always said, "One, toon! One, three!"

We were looking at a book together while sitting on the couch and I pointed to something, telling her to count it. She pointed her finger and said, "One, toon, three, four, five, six!"

I was literally blown away. I had no idea she knew how to count like that and actually don't know where she picked it up, unless Ben and I have just done it enough that she learned it. Now, she always skips four, but has added first seven and now eight to her counting. She also will say nine, ten independently of the other numbers randomly.

Another example of this is her letters. She loves letters and knew quite a few, but there were still a lot she didn't know. I wanted her to learn every letter, lower and upper case, with the sign, by her second birthday. We started at the beginning and had just finished the letter e. I found an app on my phone that just showed letters and we scrolled through it. I was amazed that she knew all her letters except maybe three. She now knows all her upper case letters and most of the signs.

She also is so smart when it comes to music. She sings quite a bit of the alphabet song with me when I sing it and knows a lot of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Ring Around the Rosies, and Happy and You Know It. There are other songs that she tries to sing along with (and does a good job) like I Just Can't Wait to Be King from Lion King and a song we play in the car sometimes. It's a Hilary Weeks CD and the song goes "Piece by piece by piece, but you're just passing through," in the chorus. Every time these lyrics come up, Ashtyn is ready for them and says, "piece! Piece! Piece! pause troooooo!" And it's adorable.

I love watching Ashtyn learn and love to learn. I hope that I can encourage to keep her love for learning all her life.

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