Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Charly Book

For Valentine's Day, Benjamin gave me the perfect little gift. He had bought a little notebook from Amazon and named it his "Charly Book". It's like a little journal that he writes in, about our marriage and me and his thoughts. Then, I can read it whenever I want.

I really love it. Ben writes in sporadically, because that's his personality, and I check it pretty much every day, because that's my personality, but it's a really fun thing. I love hearing his thoughts, so him writing them down for me means a lot to me. There have also been times that I've been having a hard day or been feeling grumpy with him, but then I've gone to read his little entry. Reading his thoughts really softened my heart towards him and helped me see things from his perspective.

For example, there was a day I was struggling with hormones already. Ben was working a lot and I was feeling particularly sensitive about spending time with him. We weren't sure what to do after we put Ashtyn down, so we just watched a TV show and went to bed. I woke up the next morning and read what Ben had to say. He shared with me how he wanted to spend quality time with me, as well, and that watching TV didn't really do that for him. He wrote down some ideas for coming up with activities for us to do and it really helped my tender feelings. I loved knowing that he wanted to spend time with me as well.

I think this book was a really good idea of Ben's. I love hearing about the different, individualized ways husbands come up with to show their wives how much they love them. I know Ben does this for me often and I am really grateful for that.

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