Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ashtyn and Parker

Having a second baby brings floods of memories back from when Ashtyn was a newborn. In some ways, Parker is so much like Ashtyn (like, how she looks, I can't get over how similar they look). In other ways, though, they're already complete opposites. These are some of the ways that they're different as babies.

Parker hates having her diaper changed. She's getting more used to it, but especially the first week, she would scream until I picked her up after. Ashtyn was the opposite; a lot of times, when Ashtyn was crying, laying her down to change her diaper calmed her right down.

Parker loves being held. She sleeps best when held and can be settled quickly with a few snuggles. Ashtyn didn't mind being held the first few weeks, but she did great on the floor. The older she got, the more she loved being on her back to kick and squirm. She'd cry when you picked her up instead of setting her down.

Parker loves tummy time. I'll set her on her back and she can only handle that for a minute, but flip her over to her tummy and she's happy as can be (for as long as babies are happy in any one position). She loves it so much, she often tries to fall asleep, if I'm not watching her careful enough. Ashtyn did NOT love tummy time. She would often scream as soon as I would flip her over. We got to the point where we could manage a minute or two, but she really hated it until she gained more strength and control over her movements.

Parker rarely cries. This could be because she's still really young. But so far, she's more calm than Ashtyn was at the same age. She'll cry when she wants food or needs sleep, but I don't think she's cried for longer than it takes to change her diaper or latch her on. I remember even less than a week after bringing Ashtyn home walking her around and around the kitchen trying to calm her down. We have yet to have that moment with Parker.

I'm sure as they grow, I'll see even more differences and similarities and I'm really excited for that. It's fun to have more than one kid, even as it's hard. One of the most fun things already is seeing their individuality and how they interact together.

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