Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Brings a New Schedule

We have been loving this warm weather! We're outside as often as we can be and (because of nap schedules mainly) I still feel like we're not outside enough. But being out in the warm weather is heavenly, especially with such small kids.

Our inside schedules are basically the same. We wake up at six and I write until the kids wake up, then we all get ready for the day and have breakfast. We're usually done with that around nine or nine thirty. We hurry and do our devotional and then read at least one book together. If Parker woke up earlier in the morning or if it took us longer to get ready, then we'll read longer (because we don't have time to do much else).

If we have time, I'll often take the girls on a walk, with them in the double stroller. They love taking walks together, they sit in their stroller and look at each other and laugh the whole time. We like to go somewhere with grass and let them run around in the middle of our walk.

Then I feed Parker and put her down for her nap. During her nap, Ashtyn and I try to spend the majority of the time outside. Sometimes we have chores or errands, but we do get a lot of outside time in still. We do different things. Sometimes we take nature walks and Ashtyn brings a bag along that she can fill with leaves, sticks, and rocks that she finds. Sometimes we draw with chalk or just hang out outside our front door. If the neighbors are out, we'll play with them sometimes.

Then we have lunch. In the winter, we'd have lunch between 11:30 and noon. Now it's closer to 12:30 or later everyday, because it's hard to want to stop what we're doing. Parker usually wakes up around this time. At 1:30, Ashtyn is down for her nap and I have time alone with Parker.

I like to take Parker outside during a lot of Ashtyn's nap as well. If we didn't do a walk earlier we'll take a nice long walk in the stroller. Parker loves walks. We also sometimes just sit in the grass. Parker puts grass and leave sin her mouth and I take them out. Parker is usually happier outside.

I put Parker down and maybe get a few minutes before getting Ashtyn. Sometimes Ashtyn is awake before I put Parker down again. When Ashtyn wakes up, I sit and read to her on the couch for a few minutes while she's waking up and eating a snack. Then we go back outside. We do the same things that we do in the morning.

Once Parker wakes up, Ben is usually done working and it's dinner time. After dinner, we go in the backyard or to Ben's parent's house or the park. At his parents' house, we play on the grass with cousins or I take both the girls back in the trees. Their house is surrounded by Ben's grandparents' land, which is acres large (I don't actually know how big it is). There's a creek and trees and just lots of fun nature stuff to explore. It's fun. The park we go to is the park that's by the lot we bought and it's a really fun park. It has a music area, multiple playgrounds, and a water spot (it's not warm enough for that yet).

Then bed time and Ben and I get to hang out. We are loving the warm weather and taking as much advantage of it as we can. We're excited for it to get even warmer so we can do more with water and going to the lake and such. We want to go to the lake about twice a week this summer and we want to go hiking more as a family. I want to get a kiddie pool in our backyard again for the girls to play in and let them play with water in containers like I did with Ashtyn last year as well.

It's looking to be a really fun summer!

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