Saturday, March 5, 2022

Our FEBRUARY FAMILY Fun - Cousins, Valentine's Day, and Warmer Weather

 February was a really fun month for our family. We love celebrating Valentine's in a simple way with the kids. We also had cousins surprise everyone by coming to stay in Vernal all month and the kids had a blast together (especially as the weather started getting warmer). 

Oliver is getting so big! Last month, we pulled out and cleaned the exercauser. 
He likes it sometimes, though he doesn't usually want to spend very much time in it. 

Oliver loves to grab stuff now. 
Every time we put him in his carseat, he grabs the cover.

When you leave the baby with Dad ... πŸ˜‚

He's getting so big! 

Funny face!

I just love his cute smile!

I had put him on his tummy in front of his mirror and turned around to find him like this.
Apparently he really wanted to hold onto the chair. 

Playing Pokemon with Dad.

All ready for church!

I love his little hands. 

Picked on ...
He's started fighting his last catnap of the day, but still really needs it, so some nights he's been a little grumpy. 

This onsie is very true. 

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping baby? 

Oliver loves hanging out with Dad in his office. 
Also, his hands are so cute. I love watching him grab things.

This is Thomas' Huggy-Wuggy mask. 
Thomas thought it was the most hilarious thing that Oliver would grab it and try to put it in his mouth.

We spent so much time with cousins this month, but we were having so much fun that we didn't take a lot of pictures. 

Putting Huggy-Wuggy and Kissy-Missy to sleep.

The three baby boys πŸ’“

Getting some Jonathan snuggles πŸ’“

She wanted a picture of herself eating pizza with cousins πŸ˜‚

The three little girls running around together!

Enjoying our backyard in 40 degree weather (that feels like Heaven!)

Ashtyn "nursing" Rylee.

Sister snuggles πŸ’“

As a mom, these are my favorite moments πŸ’“

Ashtyn came out of a blanket fort and wanted to see her hair.

Rylee loves to get into pretty much everything.

Ashtyn has been writing a story on the computer. Her goal is 1000 words and she passed 500 words this month. 

Pizza day! Ashtyn was extra excited because she has been making dinner on Thursdays and got to make the pizza herself. 

Another activity we did was a "heart search". 

Making heart crayons out of our broken crayon pieces. 

One of our homeschool days this month focused on China and Chinese culture. We had a lot of fun learning about China, making a little paper book about it, and listening to Chinese music. We also got some Chinese food for dinner and I was pleasantly surprised at how much the girls tried it and liked it. 

We also made these cute little books about colors and God making the world. They turned out super cute and the girls and I had fun making them. 

Rylee falls asleep almost every night before I leave the room (after reading to the girls) and I think she is the cutest thing when she sleeps. 

We didn't get sick nearly as much this month, but Rylee did get sick a couple times. :(

This was her worst day. She felt pretty yucky, so we put her in the tub to help. The second picture is her attempt at a smile since she saw I was taking a picture. 

She doesn't nap most days anymore, but when she's sick, her little body still needs it. 

Ben has been writing a book for his business right now and we're pretty excited about it.
This is a mock up of what the cover might look like. 

Ben and I have been taking a cha-cha class together, so Ben taught Ashtyn and Ashtyn taught Rylee 😍

Ashtyn practices the cha-cha almost constantly now.

Ashtyn and Ben dancing together πŸ’“

I went to find something from my box of stuff and found all my old journals. 
I hadn't realized how many I have, but I have a ton. It was a lot of fun and also a little bit of a rabbit hole to read through a lot of them. 

Ashtyn did my hair and then wanted to take a picture of how beautiful it was. 

Ben and I have really gotten into Wordle, so of course, Ashtyn wants to play it too. This is a list she started of words she could use. 

Rylee called this her "underwear head" and wanted some pictures lol

For Valentine's Day, we had chocolates in the morning at our spots, made heart shaped pizza and pink rice krispie treats, and had cousins come over for dinner. 

The girls loved the tradition. Ben and I also wrote notes to each other, though we didn't do a special date. We've never really done something like that for Valentine's Day. I like to do something special for it, but also keep it simple. 

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