Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ashtyn's Favorite Things

Ashtyn is learning so fast! I can't even keep up. She recognizes a lot now and will name them. These are a few of her favorite things to recognize:

Family. She loves seeing family and pictures of family. She knows all their names and says them over and over again.

Jesus. She has a few books that are about Jesus and she'll grab them, saying Jesus. She also loves seeing pictures of Jesus (and pictures of other people, like George Washington, who she thinks is Jesus). It's cute.

Snow. She loves snow. If she's within reach, she wants to touch (and eat) it. She knows the sign and always does it whenever she sees snow, either outside or in a picture.

Belle. For some reason, she loves the princess Belle. We let her watch different Disney songs from YouTube after her nap, while she eats her smoothie and wakes up a little, and every time one comes on from Beauty and the Beast, she points out Belle. If she sees a picture of Belle somewhere else, she gets really excited.

Body parts. Noses, mouths, tummies, belly buttons, arms, toes, and especially eyes. She loves eyes. She loves to find body parts on different people and toys.

Cars and trucks. She loves to see cars or trucks driving by (and she knows the difference between the two). She always makes the vroom vroom noise after identifying it as well.

Boots. Boots are probably one of her favorite things in the entire world. I bribe her over to me to get her dressed by telling her I'll put her boots on. She knows the sign and if she sees her boots, she begs me to put them on her. It's really cute to watch her try to walk in them, too, because they have a little bit of a heel. She loves to find other people's boots. She likes shoes too, but a lot of times, she calls them boots.

Socks. She also loves socks, though sadly, she's beginning to grow out of this one. It's cute though.

Animals. She loves all animals and knows so many. When she sees them, she'll either say their name or make the noise they make. My favorite is when she says "potamus" (hippopotamus).

Balls. She loves balls. She knows the sign and usually, she'll say red ball (because red is her favorite color and she has a red ball).

Those are just a few, but I could probably go on all day talking about all the things Ashtyn talks about (just like she does!). And I know as she gets older, this will only get truer and truer.

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