Sunday, February 7, 2016

Singing and Dancing in Ashtyn's World

Since basically forever, Ashtyn has loved to sing and dance. I remember when she was small, only a few months old, and she would have her fussy period in the early evening. The only thing that kept her happy was sitting on my lap, facing me, while I sang her nursery rhymes. I tried just talking with her, but she would get fussy; she wanted me to sing. And before she even started scooting around or sitting up on her own, music would come on and she'd start bobbing her head, dancing along.

Now, she loves songs. Before we go to bed, she snuggles on my shoulder and I sing to her and we both love it. We also play songs a lot on our computer to dance to. We do primary songs, Pandora, and certain pop songs (like the song Geronimo or Love Runs Out) that she and her cousin Elizabeth love to dance to together.

Her favorite thing, though, is still when I sing nursery rhymes with her. We'll do I'm a Little Teapot, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, and Up Down (from Winnie the Pooh). She thinks it's so funny to move her dolls' legs up and down while we sing that last one, or for me to touch her different body parts as we sing Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.

One of her favorite things to do is find a toy and have me sing about it. She'll find cookie cutter stars and wave them around while I sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. It's really cute. She'll also make the gingerbread cookie cutters run while we chant the gingerbread rhyme. Her other favorite toy to do this with is her snowman. She loves to get her stuffed snowman and dance with it while we sing Once There was a Snowman.

Her favorite song is probably Ring Around the Rosies. She's loved this one since summer and learned to say "down!" at the end really early on. She now tries to sing, saying "Da da da da, ashes, ashes, down!" She loves when Ben and I do it with her and we wait to say "down!" and let her do it. It's really cute.

Her other favorite one is If You're Happy and You Know It. We do clap your hands, snap your fingers, pat your head, rub your tummy (she loves tummies now), stomp your feet, and spin in a circle. It's really cute to watch her do all of them, especially the snap your fingers (my mom taught her that and she loves doing it).

Ashtyn is such a cutie. I love seeing how fast she's learning and how cute she is as she tries to do things. It's fun that she's loves to sing and dance this much and we want to do everything we can to encourage it as she grows older.

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