Monday, February 15, 2016

I Have a House of Sick Family

I woke up extra early this morning (that's one of the strange side effects of my pregnancy this time around, I'll randomly wake up at 5:00 in the morning), so I was able to get more done than I normally do before Ashtyn woke up. The fact that she slept until 8 (she wakes up between 7:30 and 8, so that's on the later side) meant I got even more done.

Both Ben and Ashtyn have had a cold these past couple of days. Ben's has seemed worse than Ashtyn's, but I could tell her body was fighting it by how much she was sleeping. Yesterday she took an almost four hour nap (compared to a normal two hour nap) and then slept from 8:30 to 8 last night.

When I got her, we sat on the rocking chair to snuggle for a minute, one of the new things we do. Usually, she'll only stay this way for about two seconds before sitting up and jabbering away to me, telling all sorts of things that I have no idea what she's saying. Today, though, she stayed snuggling on my shoulder for quite a while. Then she sat up, hugged her doll to herself, and came back to snuggle on my shoulder some more. We probably stayed that way for almost twenty minutes, something that definitely is not usual for Ashtyn.

I finally got her to let me slowly change her diaper and get her dressed for the day, between more snuggles. Then she wanted to go find Daddy, so we went into Ben and my bedroom, where Ben was still asleep because he doesn't feel well either. I lay down on my pillows and Ashtyn lay herself right down on my shoulder. She would switch shoulders every once in a while, but we stayed that way, snuggled in bed together as a family, for probably another ten or twenty minutes.

Ashtyn would have probably stayed that way indefinitely, but I was hungry and knew Ashtyn needed food, so I talked her into coming downstairs with me while I made some eggs. When I first put her in her chair, she didn't want me to put her down, but food sure helped her feel better.

I always know when Ashtyn doesn't feel well, because she wants to snuggle. And, while I hate her being sick, I will selfishly relish all the snuggles I get.

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