Monday, January 11, 2016

Church with a Baby

Church with a baby is, in one word, exhausting.

Sometimes it almost seems pointless. You sit there in the meeting, trying to keep your child semi-contained, entertained, and as quiet as a child can possibly be for three hours. It involves snacks, which you try to keep as clean as possible, toys, and books as well as let them wander around for some of the meeting, meaning you don't get to just sit and stay in your chair.

Because church is three hours long, it almost inevitably throws off some sort of schedule, especially when they're little. Young babies simply can't go that long without sleeping, so you either have a nap-on-the-go or a really tired, cranky baby. There's food to give them, which when they're little means leaving the meeting to go nurse. This can be hard when you are trying to work around a calling or other children.

I'm really nervous and a little sad that Ashtyn is almost old enough to go to nursery. This is probably a fear that most parents have, but I'm worried she won't let me leave her there without screaming the whole time. She really likes toys, though, so she might be okay.

The funny thing is, the month that she's old enough to go to nursery is the month that I'm due. Which means, we get a break from one baby during Sunday school and Relief Society just in time to have another.

But honestly, I don't mind. Yeah, it's a lot of work and I don't always get as much out of the meetings. It truly is exhausting. But, this is why we're here. For our kids.

And I know there's nothing God would rather have me doing than chasing a baby around Relief Society.

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