Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

This month has been hard on me. I was expecting to move into our new apartment on the second of January and I had all sorts of plans and goals.

I wanted to go through all our stuff as we were moving and get rid of a bunch of it. I want to live a minimalist lifestyle, but I am the kind of person to hang onto things. I want to consciously change that and only keep in our home what we need and use. Our stuff is either packed in the underworld (which you have to crouch to get into) or packed in boxes for moving. This makes it difficult to go through everything systematically, not to mention I don't know yet for sure everything we'll need in our apartment or am able to find a home for everything. It all just goes in boxes right now.

I had all sorts of plans for grocery shopping, cooking, and food. They all involved systems and lists and things that I can't really do all the way while sharing a kitchen.

I have ideas for systems to keep our apartment cleaner and to have certain times I want it to be clean. But, sharing a kitchen and not having our own place makes those either harder or impossible as well.

I could go on and on, with goals for time spent with both Ben and Ashtyn, with crafts and projects I want to be working on, for organizing and time management, for exercise. But I'll just leave it with this. I had a lot I wanted to do, with the New Year, and it was frustrating to not be able to do everything I wanted to.

Really frustrating.

We couldn't move into our new apartment right away because there was a family living there. They could move into their new apartment on the fifteenth and then our landlords wanted to paint it before we moved in. I figured, a couple days for the other family to move, a couple days for the painting to be done and we'd be in.

Well, the Monday after the fifteenth, I talked with our landlady, because I really just wanted to know. She basically said the family wasn't our yet and she didn't know when they would be. They did know they were painting Saturday (yesterday), but she knew it would be ready by the first of February.

That was really hard for me. I was trying to be patient, but I'm done sharing a house with someone else. I am ready to move to our own place and every little thing about sharing a house, all those things that were fine and okay before, seemed to be a bigger deal. I really struggled with hard feelings towards the family that was moving out. I just didn't understand how it could take them so long to move.

Yesterday, though, we got a piece of good news.

Our landlady texted me and told me the apartment would be ready probably Tuesday or Wednesday! Meaning we can move in almost a week sooner than planned.

I am so happy. I mean, SO happy.

It truly is a light at the end of the tunnel for me right now.

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