Monday, January 4, 2016

Stages: The Whining Stage

Ashtyn is in a whine/fit throwing stage. And it's getting real old real fast.

When she's frustrated because she can't get a toy to do what she wants, she whines.

When she wants me to do something, she whines.

When she drops something she's holding, she'll start whining and crying.

When she thinks I'm taking something away, she screeches.

When Elizabeth (her three-year-old cousin) does something she doesn't like (which is often), she screeches.

When we're in the car and she decides she's bored (usually about two minutes into any drive anywhere), she starts screeching as loud as she can.

When I say no (usually this happens if she wants up on the bed with me in the morning and I'm doing something she can't have), she throws a nice little fit.

We are doing our best to teach her to ask for things, because all the whining was literally driving me out of my mind. And it's working pretty well.

She knows please, both verbal and the sign, as well as more, food, water, and up (although she does mix up the words up and down sometimes). And most of the time, if she wants something, she'll say please first. If she really wants something, she says, "pease pease pease pease" and uses both hands to sign quite vigorously. It's too cute to resist.

She still whines sometimes and I have to remind her to say please. She also will sometimes start whining or screeching if I don't get whatever she wants (usually if she's screeching for it, it's food) fast enough. And I have no idea what to do about the car. We try to give her snacks and toys, but she honestly just hates being constrained.

And the fits? I figure, I'll say yes as often as possible, especially when she says "peeeease" in her darling little girl voice. But I guess she'll also learn at an early age that sometimes the answer is no and if she needs to throw a fit to deal with it, then for now, that's what we'll let her do.

After all, she's only one. We have plenty of time to teach her.

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