Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Things That Go Through a Mother's Head While Feeding Her Child

(Or at least, what goes through my head as I feed Ashtyn)

Are chocolate crackers an acceptable snack? 

She's spitting the carrots out, but at least they're making it into her mouth, right? 

Will my child choke on this raw broccoli? 

How many crackers are too many? 

How many grapes are too many? 

How much cheese is too much? 

She won't eat dinner. Here, have some bread. At least I know you aren't going hungry. 

You can throw your food off your tray as much as you want, but you're staying in that chair until I finish my food too. *usually as I get her down from her chair two minutes later*

You can have as much water as you want, even if you have it from a bottle. 

No you can't take crackers or cheese into the bath with you. 

No, you can't pour your smoothie all over the carpet. Nice try though. 

I'm *shopping, driving, writing, resting*, I guess you can have a treat. 

*Right after giving her a treat* I probably need to cut down on her treats and snacks. 

I'm going to prep cooked vegetables so I have that to give her quickly instead crackers. *Ha!* 

Licorice root is good for you, so I'm not actually feeding her candy, right? 

No, she can't have that *white flour, sugar, store bought ice cream* and yes, I will have a heart attack if you feed it to her. 

It's okay that she's making a mess while eating that because I'm getting so much done. I just won't think about what it will take to clean that up when I finish.

I'm doing alright, right?

I think every mother goes through the worry that she's not feeding her children well enough or that they're not eating too much or that they're getting too much of something or the list goes on. It might just be how a mother is wired. I do think, though, that every mother knows her child and knows what her child needs. 

We probably just worry about it too much. After all, they're surviving, right? 

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