Thursday, January 21, 2016

Cute Things Ashtyn Does

Put her stuffed animals or dolls on the rocking chair and then rock them.

Kiss her dolls or people and say "muah!"

Randomly come up and give you a hug, sometimes from behind.

When I exercise after she's awake, she either tries to do it with me or tries to use me as a jungle gym.

Empty boxes or buckets. And refill them. And empty them. And refill them.

Turn the TV on and off and on and off again. Because, buttons.

Sit and "read".

Babble, babble, babble, talk, talk, talk.

Squint her eyes and give you a huge, cheesy grin.

When she wants out of her high chair, she throws all her food on the ground and signs "done"!

Signing and saying please whenever she wants something. And let's be honest, she gets it, because that is too cute to say no to.

When about to do something she's not supposed to (grab my phone, play with the computer downstairs, etc.), she looks at it, looks at you, gives a mischievous grin, looks at it again, and then does it.

Dance, to music or the blender or any noise that might remotely resemble music. And you should see some of the dance moves she and Elizabeth come up with together, it's hilarious.

Go up to baby Thomas and give him hugs. Or go up to him and put her face right next to his and say "Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi," while he grins at her.

Touch your nose or eye or mouth and say what it is.

Try to find my belly button. Then pat my stomach, say baby, and lay her head on it.

Feel Daddy's whiskers, then try to feel my (nonexistent) whiskers.

Get excited to put on her socks or her boots. I bribe her to sit in my lap so I can get her dressed by telling her that I'll put her socks on.

Sign anything. And she signs all the time.

Say anything. And she talks all the time.

Run. And walk. And jump.

There are way too many things, because everything Ashtyn does is cute. I know I'm biased, but I honestly don't think there was ever a cuter little girl anywhere. I feel so lucky to get to spend so much time with her. She's growing up way too fast and there's nothing I can do about it. But honestly? I wouldn't want to do anything about it.

Because being here with her, while she's growing up, is probably the best thing in the world.

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