Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Saving Difference

Ben and I definitely have different approaches to situations. He's very patient, I'm very much a just-jump-in (you could say, impatient). Ben really likes to step back and think and I very much like to just jump right in. 

I love that in marriage, it's so easy to see how your differences complement each other and work together to make life better. 

Yesterday, this was painfully obvious to us. 

For the past seven months, we've been blessed to stay with Ben's sister in her upstairs. While it's had its challenges (living with anyone, even your spouse, does), it's been a huge blessing, in more ways than financial. We feel so grateful for their hospitality. 

With the upcoming new addition to our family, however, we've realized it's time for us to get our own place again and have been apartment shopping for a little over a month. 

Because we want to stay with the midwife we've found in Vernal, that's where we've been looking. And I have to say, it's been a little rough. None of the apartments we looked at were quite what we were wanting. Some of them were so bad, we left thinking, we would never live there. 

Then we found what I thought was the perfect apartment. I loved the kitchen. It had a pantry. I loved how open it was. I loved the glass door to the kitchen. I loved the layout, that Ashtyn's room was away from the bathroom so I could shower while she was sleeping. It had three bedrooms, so Ben could have his own office. 

I thought it was perfect. I fell in love on the spot and immediately got the ball rolling so we could move in. 

Ben, however, wasn't so sure. He wanted to keep looking. We didn't want to move in until the new year anyway, so I agreed. We looked at a couple more and almost changed our minds, but we ended up deciding to move into my apartment. 

I was so excited. 

I packed everything I thought we wouldn't need before we left town for Christmas. When we got back, I packed everything else except clothes and our toothbrushes. I printed off the lease agreement and we both signed it. We got the information for payment and told everyone when we were moving so they could come help. 

Today was the day we were going to move. 

I was stoked. Ben was excited too, to have our own place again. He just had a nagging feeling about the apartment. 

Ben kept saying, "I still am just not sure." And it was really stressing him out.

So, he asked if we could take another look at the apartment, before we moved in. We still had the lease agreement, so we weren't locked in. Yesterday, we drove over during Ashtyn's nap and walked through it again. 

It was nice, but not as nice as we had remembered. And we noticed quite a few things that we didn't actually like. We talked with the lady who lived upstairs and she brought up a few things we hadn't realized that were deal breakers for us. 

We left, both of us knowing, that apartment wasn't what we wanted. 

It was very disappointing and emotional for me. I was so sad the apartment wasn't what I had thought, or remembered. And I really just want to move. Not moving today changed all my plans and that's never an easy thing. 

But, I feel so grateful that we didn't just jump into something we were going to regret later. It's like Ben said, when we were talking about it later, if it were up to him, we'd never get into an apartment. If it were up to me, we'd end up somewhere we didn't really want to be. But working together, we're able to find and move into the perfect apartment for us. 

We are currently trying to find an apartment we can move into as soon as possible (because, remember, all our stuff is already packed) but we will hold out until we find the apartment. 

And you know what? It's looking quite hopeful at the moment.

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