Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Perfect Apartment

This is a follow up to my previous post, about deciding last minute not to move into an apartment. I feel that finding our new apartment was somewhat of a miracle to us.

Here are some facts you should know:

Ben and I wanted something really nice.

We were supposed to move on the second of January. I really, really wanted to.

Currently, our room also doubles as our living room and as Ben's office.

Having his own office will make working for himself a lot easier and probably add to his productivity, increasing our income.

We share a kitchen. Melissa is so nice and hospitable and laid back and we couldn't ask for someone better to share a house with, but if you're a mom, you understand what it means when I say that for the last seven months, I haven't had my own kitchen.

I already packed all our stuff, except clothes and toothbrushes. We've been living out of boxes for the past few days.

So needless to say, we were very excited to be moving right now. We are very ready for our own place again (me for my own kitchen and Ben for his own office, especially). So when our moving date didn't work out, I was bound and determined to find an apartment we could move into as soon as possible.

In Vernal, I didn't think that would be too hard. Because Vernal's economy depends so much on the oil fields and because the oil fields are currently way slow, all the apartment buildings we've looked at have been half empty and the prices are definitely 'renters' market' prices.

I was searching and searching online. I found a few that seemed to be viable options, though of course, not perfect apartments.

I was scrolling through and saw KSL. I checked KSL a few months back, when we were toying with the idea of moving, and there wasn't anything in Vernal posted. Since then, I hadn't gone back. Desperate, or maybe prompted, I clicked it open.

I put in our maximum price and that we wanted a dishwasher (you'd be surprised how many apartments don't actually have a dishwasher) and washer/dryer hookups.

Only one apartment came up.

The owner had posted it three days before. It was $25 less than what we were going to pay at the previous apartment and the outside picture looked really nice. Trying not to get too excited, I opened it up to an new page.

I clicked through the pictures, very impressed with how it looked. I scrolled down to read what they said and started getting really excited.

"Ben," I said. I was sitting on the bed, Ben at his desk. "Come look at this apartment. I looks really nice."

He came and knelt by the bed, turning my computer so he could look. I watched his face as he flipped through. I could tell he was impressed. "Wow," he said, obviously surprised, "these look really nice."

"I know," I said, grinning. "I'll call them right now."

The next day, we set up an appointment to go look at them. They were just as nice as they had looked in the pictures and we fell in love instantly. We hadn't even left the apartment before we agreed that these were what we wanted.

The catch? We can't move in until February 1st. An entire month before we can move.

But, we feel it's worth. I know that the Lord has a hand in our lives, even with things like finding an apartment. The fact that we found these perfect-for-us apartments at just the right time is amazing to me.

So, I guess maybe we can be patient for another month or so.

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