Sunday, January 17, 2016

I Married an Entrepreneur

I love being a stay at home mom and homemaker. I love pretty much everything about it. I love the cleaning, the organizing, the planning, the cooking, the hanging out with Ashtyn. I don't mind changing stinky diapers or cleaning up throw up and I'm always reading on how to be better at everything I do. It's literally my full time job and I thrive on it. This is what I was born to be.

I think one of the reasons I can enjoy it so much, though, is because I still make time for my stuff. I wake up before Ashtyn to exercise and read my scriptures, then while she watches Signing Time, I get to write and read and do things for me. Starting my day off like that is huge for me. Then during her naps, I get to work on my writing or just relax and that's also really important.

While I love being a mom, I want my writing to be more than just a hobby. I want to make it into a business. Ben will bring in our main source of income and I don't want my writing to make us rich or anything, but I would love to be successful with it.

It's been discouraging the past little while. Ben's business is doing really well. He just launched a course on pixel art and we weren't sure how well it would do. It was priced a lot lower than his last one and is different than what he normally does (programming). It has far exceeded our expectations for launch month already and it has only been our about a week.

His success has been really fun, because his success is our family success. I've been really happy for him that his course is doing so well and the money side of it is really exciting as we're saving for a house.

His big success, however, seemed to put my own business (and how it isn't going anywhere currently) into a stark contrast for me. And I got really discouraged.

Luckily, I married Ben. When I talked with him about it, he reminded me that I'm only twenty three. I'm working on good content, I just haven't figured out how to reach my audience yet. And, as he pointed out, I haven't spent a lot of time yet trying to do that. We talked about some ways I could and I shared my thoughts on that with him. It left me feeling excited to move forward rather than stuck, which is exactly what I needed.

Moments like these remind me how glad I am that I married an entrepreneur.

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