Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Joys of Television and Snuggling

One of Ben and my favorite things to do together is watch TV. I know, it's better to talk or do something active or blah blah blah, but honestly, if we had to choose, that's what we'd always do. Of course, we do other things and we have lots of time to talk (and lots to talk about). We just like snuggling together while we unwind and let our minds go. 

This is something that started before we were even officially dating. We realized six months into dating that we'd never even gone to a movie theater together, and yet we'd spent hours upon hours watching television shows together. 

For our honeymoon, we went on a cruise. It was fun to hang out on the ship, see the sights at all the stops, and we went to a few of the planned activities. Mostly, though, we just stayed in our room, doing what newlyweds do and watching the first season of Kora. We actually watched the entire first season during those five days of our honeymoon. And we loved it. 

After we were married, that's what we continued to love to do together. If we wanted to avoid homework or just relax, we turned to Netflix. We'd go to church and then spend all of Sunday lazing around, watching TV and eating nachos. It was the perfect newlywed weekend. 

After Ashtyn was born, watching TV got harder. Ben was really busy, working full time while going to school and working on his business part time and I was trying to finish school while taking care of a newborn full time. We were both tired and Ashtyn wasn't on any sort of schedule. We'd squeeze it in during her naps sometimes and as she started to get older, we tried watching while she was awake. That never really worked; she would cry and it would take two hours just to get through one episode. 

Now, we just watch stuff when we put Ashtyn down to bed. We've learned that watching while she's awake is never a very plausible option. It's still fun, though, when we find a show we really like, to snuggle up together and watch it. 

It took us awhile to find a show we both really liked again. We have overlapping taste in shows, but we also have our individual preferences that the other one doesn't share. Whenever we finish a show, it's always annoying to have to find a new one. A lot of shows out there either aren't interesting or cross our line of we-won't-watch-this.

Right now, we're watching Lie to Me. It's about a guy who works with the police and others to solve cases through the science of lie detection; he's really good at telling when people are lying. It's really interesting to us and right up our alley. When we finish, who knows what we'll do. 

But for now, we'll just enjoy it together. 

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